One would ask; how heavy, is a cross? How heavy the burden? How heavy the weight that makes it lean? One tries to comprehend a meaning, for some carry crosses easily; others, are like anchors, un-moveable. For it is a leaning cross, that carries a burden wherever one goes, not letting up, with no escape. It digs into one's mind, and body and spirit dragging you, here and there. It is a message of despair and pain, and reality to those, who are stricken, with its contents. This cross of no choice, is life's dealer of fate. It has no favorites or priorities. It is a journey, of suffering and misfortune. A uniqueness, of a struggle of different portions, from within. There, this cross sits, leaning on its side; so heavy, so crude; so demanding of its burdens, to be carried again and again; place to place; inch by inch.
And yet, this cross that leans, not often seen by others; so transparent, so unkind. For one may see a burden, or struggle, but yet unable to; or willing to; touch this cross of burdens, like a leper. Who is it then, that can be compassionate enough, to see into one's soul; to reach; to touch; to refill this reservoir of hopelessness? For the soul, is the furnace of faith and rescue. And soul, is where the cross leans, the heaviest. The balance of its weight churning the spirit of hope, to recovery. For the spirit must be moved within, to aspire in faith, for healing. It is here, where one is capable to endure the presence; of this leaning cross.
And one would ask, how heavy was the Lord’s cross? How enduring was His torment, suffering, and humiliation? The weight of it all; the weight of everything; this ultimate task; of the Lord’s leaning cross. And yet; the Lord gave the gift of endurance, that your journey, would not be more than one could bear. The weight of the leaning cross, is like an elevator; to lift you up, to reverse the weight for you; to lean on. It is a pendulum, that divides where you are, questioning your faith, with endurance. This plateau of uncertainty, is but a path for you to reach out; to hold the cross; embrace it; compassionate it; speak to it; let its power, draw within you. Let your heart and soul, simmer in this lake of compassionate power, of divine mercy. Let your spirit inhale the gifts and grace of the Holy Spirit, to rekindle your body and mind, for healing. Let your thoughts be of compassion to enhance your prayer of petition. Let what you say, reflect your inner most feelings, with reverence and love. Let what you think, be repetitive and sincere. Let your heart speak, with fragrance of flowers. Let your soul be immersed with penetrating rays of Holy Angelic offerings. Let your dictionary of prayers, be offered like a child. Let the presence of the Lord, surround your being; your every bone. Let the burden you carry, be lifted up; and floated, for disposal. Let your lips, kiss the crucifix, opening your doorway of love, to His embrace of mercy. Let your tears, complement your emotions immersing your heart and soul. Let your tears be the fountain, to the Creator. Let the softness of your words, set the tone for your heart. Let your thoughts be of thanksgiving and hope; not of complaints. Let your words touch the Lord, in kindness and gentle sentiment. Let your prayer be slow and unhurried; why would you want to dismiss the Lord, so quickly? Let each word, build on the next, reaching higher and richer with compassion. Let your loss of words, be time for the Lord to speak. Let all your despair and infliction, be set at the bottom of the cross; then, look up. Let yourself know, you are never alone. Let discipline of prayer, rule your day and night. Let God’s peace, be your barometer, to every storm. Let yourself be in readiness for miracles. Let the will of the Lord, be your acceptance. Let your infliction, be a sacrifice for your salvation. Let your fear be melted; reach out and touch the Lord, He is, that close.
Let not discouragement be your downfall, but let the leaning cross be your source for all petitions, all needs. It is your strength, comfort, and protector. It is Jesus; of this leaning cross, that beckons, that calls, that waits.
Robert J. Varrick