Pentecost - A Homily
Today is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. In St. Mark’s telling of the Last Supper, Jesus offers his disciples the cup and says, "This is my blood of the covenant, which will be shed for many.” The literal sense of these words is clear. The Eucharist is necessary for our salvation. Christ’s one sacrifice on the Cross is present each Mass in the Precious Body and Blood. The sacrifice, in which we share, binds us in the joyful freedom of God’s New Covenant. We become Children of God.
Catholics do not read all parts of the Bible literally. However, this passage from Mark is clearly intended as it is written. St. Ambrose, some 75 years after Jesus’ resurrection, wrote that some people rejected the Grace of Jesus’ sacrifice. They could not admit that the Eucharist was the same sacrifice made on the cross for their salvation. Because they would not believe and partake, those people fell away from true faith and were lost.
We believe in the Real Presence. Through the sacrament we become heirs to the Kingdom. Rejoice, we are joyful Children of God.
Be well and God Bless,
Deacon Ed Souza
If this article is useful to you, please see some of my other reflections on our solemnities: