One True King: Feast of Christ the King
Every time we feel hunger in our stomachs, we tend to grab the nearest snack to satisfy it. But when it comes to the word of God, we seek it from everything but the true source. When the true source is passed up for a saturated version of God’s word, it makes one want to continue eating more junk food.
Think of the time when you would go out to eat with friends. You would order appetizers like breadsticks. Then, when it is all eaten the server brings out the main course, and there is no room for the actual meal. That is the case in our culture today.
A Pew study came out before the draconian lockdowns of 2020 that only 70% of Catholics don’t believe in the true presence of the Eucharist. The bishops and faithful are responding by launching a National Eucharistic Revival.
The Catechism says the Eucharist is, “the source and summit of the Christian life" (CCC 1324). Without the Eucharist, Catholics can’t live the true faith.
In the gospels, Jesus refers to himself as the bread of life. He promises that those who eat his bread will never hunger.
The Eucharist helps us become more and more like Christ every time we receive him faithfully. The sacrament, instituted by Christ, strengthens our bond with him. We must strive to receive him more and more.
As the United States embarks on its National Revival, let us recommit to receiving Jesus more and more. Carlo Acutis, a soon-to-be first millennial saint in the Catholic Church. reminds us, “When we lay under the sun, we get tan. But when we stand before the monstrance, we become more like Christ.” He knew full well that the Eucharist is key to eternal life. Christ wants us to be with him. All that nees to be done is to receive his sacraments faithfully.
As the chorus of O Sweet Sacrament, To Thee, Adore reminds us, “Oh make us love thee more and more”. Let us indeed love Jesus more and more who is ever present in the Blessed Sacrament.
Let us be willing to carry a monstrance with us everywhere we go. After all, Christ reminds us to do it in memory of him.