How deep can the evil from Pride become a reality?
Another cry, another loss, another touch of God’s Grace
As each new day arrives for me, what will I find as a finite soul of God? To each has been given a will to do as we please since freedom is ours to use Oh, if I had only been found without a weakness within this treasure chest of God’s reflection, then perhaps my will might have put me high above the tentacles of sin. Oh, if I only had the freedom of an angel to exist in the realm of heaven forever, then I would not have fallen before my creator in shame and fear of perfection.
Free will, what a generous pattern of God’s love, so perfect and lasting, that its presence becomes a grace in itself. To the angels, as well as humanity, in order to find the touch of God’s merciful grace, we have all been given the opportunity to find the Light of Christ amid the clouds of fear that would keep us from finding a lasting place of rest. The one rampart that will deny our eternal home with God is that of not seeking his presence on our own desire. This is the reason for free will, that is an inborn reality for angels and men.
How do we know this to be a truth from God? The angels that followed Satan (Lucifer the archangel who once was the highest in God’s eyes) and plummeted out of heaven to the depths of hell through the wrong use of free will! If the angels, the first of living creatures through God’s love, turned away from what is Truth by finding Pride to be a more pleasurable choice, then what can we as the perfect image and likeness of the Holy Trinity (Gn 1: 26) expect if our free will seeks the same through pride? Free will was placed within our existence to want nothing more than to return back to the Being that created us for him alone. It should never become a mystery so intense that we don’t understand its call to be back with him who created us for everlasting life in eternity.
Interestingly, God is eternally always present in his total Light that is beyond the comprehension of humanity. Therefore, our blindness to goodness is only temporary until the light of God reaches into our finiteness within his Infinite love. This is the intent of God for his greatest creation, mankind. As we look upon all that exists throughout the Universe, we can see that it is for the pleasure of humanity in an unknown way since we are his prized creation. Why would God go to so much effort (in the sense of a human expression) to create a world that would be for our enjoyment as well as a deeper mystery not yet available to our own understanding?
There is one absolute we must all adhere to, that God is more tolerant than the human mind can even imagine. One sin from mankind destined us to a life of grief, not as a punishment as much as an opportunity to find the way back from one’s rejection of goodness that came from God alone.
From eternity God created everything for man and expected our acceptance of his love. Sin entered the world we know and God still sought after us no matter how far we wandered from his love. Each time any of us forgot his care for you or me, he sent someone to bring us back. His only Son came to introduce our need for his Father’s forgiveness, and after shedding his Blood for our souls sent his Holy Spirit to keep reminding us of this greatest forgiveness, his LIght to forever shine within our hearts Never forget, his mercy is everlasting and free to us.
Just “like a shepherd he feeds his flock and gathers the lambs in his arms, holding them carefully close to his heart leading them home!”
Ralph B. Hathaway