Abigail (aka, Alice Kramden of c 1000 BC)
The Breached Dam: The Fiducia Supplicans Surrender to the Homosexual Movement is a short but highly informative work. Just for its numerous references, it should be of great interest to all Catholics, whether they favor or oppose changing Church teaching on human sexuality (Truth be told, I do not believe that such a change is possible!).
Changing Church teaching on marriage/family/human sexuality would not be part of God's plan for our genuine happiness and flourishing. It would "lead to the dissolution of the family and the erasure of the fundamental moral principles on which any civilization worthy of the name rests" (p.11).
While there may be plenty of emotional opinions out there, my experience is that extremely few Catholic lay people understand the beauty of the Church's teaching on marriage/family/human sexuality. "Unfortunately, the vast majority of bishops in Europe, the Americas, and Australia, regions where homosexuality became widespread in the wake of the Sexual Revolution of the Sixties, failed to comply with...prudent 1986 instructions from the Holy See [link added]" (p.13).
To me, it seems highly negligent that vast majorities of our hierarchy and clergy never shouted St. Pope John Paul II's "Theology of the Body" on marriage/family/human sexuality from the rooftops.
From Pope Leo’s Arcanum to 2013 (Part 1 & Part 2), we were blessed with clear teaching; "promoters of the homosexual agenda in the Church lowered their profile during the pontificates of Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI. With the arrival of Pope Francis...these demands have once again been proclaimed" (p.111).
"the doctrine condemning homosexuality is part of the Church’s universal ordinary magisterium and, as such, is irreformable" (p.123).