To love; to be loved; to be in love. The opening of ones heart to another, is an expression of the inner-self. This outward gesture, excels in migrating hearts, attracting opposites, with a fragrant sense of longing, like a bud of a flower, opening to a majestic blossom. The inner self of the heart creates a presence, an aura of magnetic impulses, called love. This longing to be loved, is embedded in each heart, a void waiting to be fulfilled. It waits for a match, a spark for two hearts to meet, to begin a journey together. What makes it work and to be successful is a great mystery. So many books have been written of this subject of love, but yet, each experience is different, and requires diligence in creating the right ingredients, the correct measure, and formula. Each marriage is profound in itself, two individuals, giving of themselves in tedious proportions, forming a bond in each other’s heart. Love is; what it is. . . .
The structure of love is built of little twigs gathered each day / It weathers every storm with a roof of endurance / It has fragrance, not with flowers, but with many petals stored away one by one / It’s foundation is not built on quicksand of infatuation, but of solid ground, of years of effort / When the heart is wounded, it is healed in a moment of forgiveness / Love, is tested at its weakest link, but is strengthened with age / A ship has many sails, but the one that propels it, is the heart of the sailor. It keeps afloat on rough seas, not because it is mighty, but because the vessel is guided from above / Love is a rainbow, stretched forth from one heart to another. Rainbow of colors, then of shadows, then again of colors / Love has many faces, many charms, but lasts longest, when a lantern of compassion is lit in the heart, to show the way / Love clings to your heart, like a moth to a light / Love progresses slowly, maturing with substance along the way / Love, is reaching the next rung on a ladder, after broken promises and disappointments / I’m only an explorer, reaching for the next step, turning the next corner. If I have fallen down, do not leave me there; pick me up, point me in the right direction / Love is not easy, it is like a mathematical quiz, solving each problem as you go along / Love is not a sky full of stars, but maybe just one, that attracts your attention / If I knew the way, I would not be lost, but the heart is like a compass with many directions, sending you here and there / Love is like a story book, turning page by page unraveling the journey that lies ahead / Love is like a bicycle built for two, it takes two to balance it, to keep it going / If love was built in a day, I would not need tomorrow / If you want magic, see a magician; a little spark, hold my hand / Always keep a night light on, in your heart. Sometimes love doesn’t sleep / To share your bed is great, but to share your pillow is better / I am imperfect, if you want perfect, seek God / The difference between love and true love, is when the flame begins to go out, it gets relit again and again, as many times as it takes / Love is music; a poem; another story, the next chapter / Falling in love is like a lighthouse, it’s beam of light shines outward, reaching for two hearts, calling, searching / Love is a tenant, not a visitor / Love is not stagnant, but refreshes / The caterpillar and the horse, each at a different pace, so too in love, inch along, but move forward / In love, when one is hurt, it takes two to apply the bandage, to make the wound heal / Do not fool with love; it is very delicate, like a raindrop, or snowflake; here today, gone tomorrow / Remember your first kiss, it kindles the fire, to the next / Do not stand under a roof of temptation, it may fall on you, you may not come out / If you need an embrace, ask for one. If you can’t; give one / If you are in difficulty, blame yourself first, you may be right / If love has found you, treasure it like a precious emerald, for some do not get a wink of an eye or a second look / Falling in love, is the easy part; staying in love, is the hardest part / Love makes music in the heart, learn to recognize the melody / Open your eyes, and see things; open your heart, and feel things /Listen with your heart/ Love is a gift, untie the bow / The biggest mistake, is making another biggest mistake / Remember the nesses of marriage: tenderness, faithfulness, gentleness, forgiveness, happiness, togetherness; this is what makes love glow / Falling in love is like a speed trap on the highway, before you realize it, you are caught / The reason to marry, is to love, all else is a deception / The eyes tell a lot, the tongue lies a lot / Remain faithful, for this is the true meaning of love / When you touch someone's heart, by word or deed, both will reap the treasure / Loving without substance, is a reservoir without water / The words of the marriage vow, are very powerful, but yet vastly unappreciated / Do not dwell on the sunsets of the past, but look forward to the sunrise of a new day / I love you; three little words, but there meaning is endless / A tender moment, is longer than a moment / You cannot change yesterday; make changes for today, before it becomes another yesterday / It takes two for an argument, only one, to start one /There are three sides to every story; His side, her side and the truth/ Appreciate what you have, do not frown on what you can’t have / Accept failure, as a prelude to a new beginning / Life is a landscape, you are the painter / Where there is hope, there is a tomorrow / Saying you are sorry is one thing. Being sorry, is another thing. Showing you are sorry, is the greater of these / One of the tools to fix things, is a kind word /Always respect your spouse/ One needs to shine there shoes to show their glow, so it is with love. Open your heart, and let the glow of your compassion, shine on those around you / Always remember your wedding day, let that be the barometer for your future.
Love is; what it is. . . .
Marriage is a journal, start to finish; each anniversary, a bookmark, with entries of two hearts, converging in kisses of sweetness, and embraces of togetherness. Rays of love, like magnets, filling two hearts, united in loves stillness. Filling the journal, love is; what it is.
Robert J. Varrick