How should we evangelize?
Today is a bit of a stormy day out. A lot of rain and some lightning and thunder. It’s important to note, that no matter what the causes of the weather are (i.e., humidity, barometric pressure, temperature, and the like), that God is its ultimate cause. And, indeed, much of the time, God’s attributes are related to the weather (see here; Yes, Mark portrays Jesus as God)
So, it got me thinking about verses that use weather related terms in The Bible.
I’m not going to make an exhaustive list (one of these days, I WILL do another really long article, I love doing them, but they take up so much time).
But, here’s where I want to talk about Satan.
Yes, because Satan is real, and hell is real.
And sometimes, weather related phenomena is used in relation to Satan.
So, let’s talk about Satan.
I’m not going to give the entire background, but, go ahead and read Luke 10 on your own (I’ll get you started,Luke 10 Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition, I should point out, there’s variation over whether or not it’s seventy two or seventy).
“And the seventy-two returned with joy, saying: Lord, the devils also are subject to us in thy name.
And he said to them; I saw Satan like lightning falling from heaven”. (Luke 10:17-18, Douay Rheims version).
If you want to know the context, read the link. Also, for fun, watch this link, (M. Bison beheld Satan as he fell from Heaven like lightning!)
Now, of course, the context of that is the seventy-two and/or seventy is casting out demons.
But have we cast demons out of our own lives? Do we still have an attachment to our sins? Do we recognize (and fix) our own faults through God’s grace?
Do we see Satan fall like lightning in our own lives?
We haven’t got to be exorcists to rid ourselves of our demons.
Do we let go of those attachments that don’t bring us closer to God?
May we see Satan fall (and fail) in our own lives.
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And if you'd like to come and discuss the Word of God with me, I have a weekly show called "Coffee and Christianity", here; Coffee and Christianity, every Friday (usually) at 8 am my time (think DC, NYC, Atlanta, Charlotte)