Still Waiting, Lord
From the reading from Numbers, Nm 21:4-9
From Mount Hor the children of Israel set out on the Red Sea road,
to bypass the land of Edom.
But with their patience worn out by the journey,
the people complained against God and Moses,
I am reminded of a time when as we were traveling that the words “their patience worn out by the journey,” truly resonated the mood in our RV. We were tired, weary and grumpy and in much need of an attitude change back then. Just as then, God knew I needed an attitude adjustment this morning. (Along with all the tired, weary and angry people who after two years of campaign retoric that the candidates, the media and everyday people are spewing out, who are tired of it.)
There are many journeys that we are on daily. Different stages of life have different burdens, and crosses. Different circumstances too---BUT---what God wanted me to see TODAY was that grumbling and complaining against my aging husband, who daily deals with chronic pain, illness, tiredness and weariness----had to stop. (Just as this past Sunday’s readings told us to STOP WITH THE STONE THROWING ALREADY. God is watching us.)
When I read this reading and the line where the people complained against God and Moses---my first comment was: “But God, I am not complaining against You!”
His inner reply: “When you complain about Bob, or get upset with him—you are complaining against Me.”
“Oh, I so hear You Lord, for what so ever we do unto the least of Your people we do it unto You. Thank you for the flashbulb reminder to be patient and loving with him as Jesus would, no matter how much a grump he can be."
Perhaps all of the people of America need to remember too, just how we should treat each other—for no matter who the person is—that is a child of God and what we say, how we treat them—that is how we are treating Jesus.
This is the last week of Lent, and I think of how Jesus was treated by the Romans, the Scribes and Pharisees. They did not like him, they was always trying to trip Him up, they called him names and someone who walked with Beelzubel, shouting "let us do away with him."
Even though a certain candidate is totally different than someone we would compare to talking like Jesus---he is still being treated like Jesus was the last week before His death. I watch and listen and wonder—what spirit, or who wants us to hate so? We as Christians should not be a part of all the angry and hateful ways of speaking and acting. We need more than ever to listen to the Words of our God as our society FAILS to listen to the Words of God.
This was the March 3, 2016 readings from the Gospel, which was the day after the fiery Republican Debate.
“Every kingdom divided against itself will be laid waste
and house will fall against house." Luke 11 –v 14 on.
From the first reading of that same day—Jeremiah 7 starting with v 23------
"This is the nation that does not listen
to the voice of the LORD, its God,
or take correction.
Faithfulness has disappeared;
the word itself is banished from their speech."
(It is interesting that a certain “Word” is being banished from our government’s speech. Hint—the Word was made Flesh.)
God is indeed watching over America and my own little home. Thank You God for the warnings and I pray we do more than listen to You today. Give us the grace to not only hear Your Words but also to obey.
I must end this with a short story that happened last Thursday before taping the show. I was emotionally down, and told Jesus I really wanted a hug from Him, and in my heart came the words—“Bob’s in the next room.” I laughed and started to get up, when my cell phone rang and it was Bob calling after accidentally hitting the wrong number! God's calling! How will I answer. He is so AWESOME!!