The Love Language of God
Bad days come with the territory. Those no good, rotten days are inevitable. The affirmation says, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade," but if you don't have sugar or artificial sweetener, what do you make? Do you let those lemons rot and develop mold, or do you slice them and eat them? Not all options are palatable. Some are inevitable. What to do? What to do?
How about stir fry? Squeeze those lemons and turn them into a tart sauce to make that stir fry taste delicious . (Broccoli tastes better with lemon juice, I think). Slice those lemons and add them to your water or drink. Did you know that a slice of lemon in a glass of diet soda takes away the bitterness? Slice those lemons, dry them, and add them to your potpourri. The time comes when you need to decide: better or bitter. Use those lemons for the honor and glory of God. Even without sugar, life can be better instead of bitter.
Use those lemons for the honor and glory of God. Offer your sufferings to God. Move out of the way and let Him take charge. He is God, after all, we are not. He knows our thoughts before we think them. He knows our answers before we hear the questions. He carries the world, the universe on His shoulders. He gave His only begotten Son to die for us. Even Jesus said, "but not My Will, but Yours be done." Jesus stepped aside to allow His Father to take control. He accepted His Father's Will, His Father's plan, and we were saved.
The bitter fruits, the incredible sufferings of Jesus, became the sweet offering of Love to the Father, and now, that we are no longer slaves, we can walk through the gateway to eternal life with Jesus. The gate sealed through justice were opened. Jesus gave up the control of His life, and placed everything in the loving hands of the Father. The bitter sufferings yielded the gift of eternal life for the Father's children.
Free will, the bittersweet gift of the Father, allows us, to refuse the graces that Jesus won for us on His Cross. Daily, we make choices that bring us closer to heaven or hell. We can chew on those bitter lemons until we curdle in bitterness or resentment, or we can allow God to change the curse into a blessing. The bitterness of the lemon can become the fragrant fruit of life.
Lemons, lemonade? Sweet or bitter? Through the Mercy of God and His unending love for us, all can be made fragrant and pure. Lemons or lemonade? Doesn't matter. If we cooperate with the gifts of God, He will make all things holy.