To God who IS! Forever will I Praise Him.
Each new day brings a blessing through the Holy Spirit
As if the next blessing will be the last one, suddenly another can appear as soon as the need presents itself. A careful look will open our senses to a never-ending array of graces that never ends once we know that the Lord is always watching out for his children.
What if one of these children isn’t deserving of what God will bestow upon us in our deepest need? To answer that we must understand that a father will normally come to the aid of any of his children, regardless of their appreciation towards their father. That is when the understanding of what being a parent is all about. “Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give. (Mt 10: 8). This saying applies to more than monetary substances. It is paramount to the love one can have for another especially towards their father.
Receiving a gift from someone who has promised to give you part of their prized possessions for no reason becomes a sign of their admiration towards you. However, after becoming the recipient of more than one time you may be looking for more to come. Most people usually do not keep the gifts coming without some cause signifying your deserving qualities. They may begin to seek a reason you have your hands out whether you show appreciation or not. But, with the Holy Spirit there is never a second look to see if you are deserving of more blessings. These blessings are free and without cost as the words of Jesus spoke of.
So, stand up to the graciousness of the Holy Spirit and do not fear that you are becoming greedy. With God’s Countenance towards each of us, we find a grace so endowed with love that there is never any doubt that blessings are always upon us. For anyone who blesses another person with God’s grace and countenance they are receiving that very expression of a love that is supernatural in essence
The countenance of God is more than an expression we cannot see, but is an entity adherence to who he is. A personal or within a family setting a parents blessing is always sought after. Blessing by an ordained cleric goes one step further by blessing someone in view of God’s minister and therefore asks for his blessings upon another person. Either way, blessings should never be selfish since the Lord’s grace is always present for those who ask. “Ask and it shall be given to you.” (Mt 7: 7).
Ralph B. Hathaway