Pope Francis Announces 2024 is Year of Prayer to Prepare for 2025 Jubilee
The differences between the real Jesus and the woke Jesus can be subtle and can, little by little, lead us away from our Savior; similar to the frog in a pot of boiling water analogy.
The boiling frog is a parable that illustrates an important lesson on how people, events, and a whole society can, by changing slowly over time, transform into something unrecognizable and previously inconceivable. The fable goes like this: if you put a frog directly into boiling water, it will jump right out of the pot…but if you put a frog in tepid water and turn up the heat slowly, it will stay in the water until it cooks to death.
THE REAL JESUS Born as God Almighty in the Flesh - John 1:1-14.
THE WOKE JESUS Was one of many good teachers and only a man.
THE REAL JESUS Loves us enough to speak the TRUTH. He will tell us we are mortally sinning (missing Mass on Sundays or Holy Days of Obligation, divorce and remarriage without an annulment, artifical contraception, IVF, IVI, sterilization, homosexual acts, calumny, detraction, slander, etc.) - John 4:1-38.
THE WOKE JESUS Waters down words to avoid offense.
THE REAL JESUS inspires in us a holy Fear of the Lord - a fear of sin and its consequences and in the more mature stages of sanctification a fear of offending the Lord whom we love so much - Proverbs 14:27.
THE WOKE JESUS tells us "You do you" because God loves you no matter what. You have nothing to repent of.
THE REAL JESUS Points us toward eternal treasure because He knows that this will help us to grow in virtue by bearing the difficulties of life patiently and to grow in charity by offering them up as a sacrifice for the salvation of souls - Matthew 6:19-21.
THE WOKE JESUS Promises us earthly treasure. Encourages us to satisfy our disordered desires and grow in vice.
THE REAL JESUS Afflicts the comfortable and comforts the afflicted - Acts 19:1-10. 21-41.
THE WOKE JESUS Never challenges us to change and grow in authentic holiness. Afflicts those who speak the truth and affirms those who make compromises with the world.
THE REAL JESUS Warns of sin, judgment and hell. Inspires us to pray for our loved ones who have died to help them reach full union with God in heaven. - Matthew 5:29.
THE WOKE JESUS Sends all to heaven; dismisses hell. Canonizes everyone who has died as if they automatically go to heaven. Never speaks of Purgatory.
THE REAL JESUS Commands repentance of sin - Matthew 4:17.
THE WOKE JESUS Minimizes or totally eliminates need for repentance of sins becasue he is a moral relativiist.
THE REAL JESUS commands us not to recieve His Body and Blood in the Holy Eucharist in a state of mortal sin - 1 Corinthians 11:29.
THE WOKE JESUS says "everyone, everyone, everyone" can come to Holy Communion without regard to mortal sin.
THE REAL JESUS tells us that we cannot be perfectly united to Him in Holy Communion if we do not first make ourselves like Him by renouncing ourselves and practicing the virtues most pleasing to Him - Matthew 16:24-26.
THE WOKE JESUS tells us there is no need to trouble ourselves with striving for holiness.
THE REAL JESUS Hated and despised by the world - John 15:18.
THE WOKE JESUS Loved and accepted by the world.
THE REAL JESUS Hates sin and exposes the truth about sin - John 3:18-21.
THE WOKE JESUS Overlooks sin and never corrects you.
THE REAL JESUS Commands with Divine authority - Mark 5:1-20.
THE WOKE JESUS Gives suggestions and not commands.
THE REAL JESUS Says to expect persecution in His name - Matthew 10:22.
THE WOKE JESUS Promises our best life now.
THE REAL JESUS Brings division when necessary - Luke 12:49-56.
THE WOKE JESUS Promotes unity and tolerance at all costs.
THE REAL JESUS Exalts the Father's Will - John 6:38.
THE WOKE JESUS Serves your will above God's Will.
THE REAL JESUS Warns of false sign and wonders; magnifies God's Word - Matthew 24:24.
THE WOKE JESUS Exalts signs, wonders and mysticiam above God's Word.
THE REAL JESUS Demands that emotion, experience and opinion conform to sound teaching - Matthew 23:1-39.
THE WOKE JESUS Exalts emotion, experience and opinion above sound teaching.
THE REAL JESUS Commands you to deny yourself and be willing to lay down your life for God and His Will - Matthew 16:24.
THE WOKE JESUS Encourages you to love yourself first and to gratify all your fleshly, disordered desires.
THE REAL JESUS Preaches God's Righteousness
THE WOKE JESUS Preaches only on the worldly meaning of love.
THE REAL JESUS Tells us that we can and need to grow in virtue and holiness because through the Church, His grace + our cooperation will enable this.
THE WOKE JESUS Doesn't think we are capable of growth in virtue so he drops the bar to the lowest spot. Obviously doesn't believe the Church is a "saint-making machine'.
We need prayer everyday and meditation on Sacred Scripture and the timeless teachings of the Catholic Church to discern who the real Jesus is, to have the strength to follow Him, and to persevere to the end of our lives. Here are some ideas to help with our discernent and ability to remain faithful to the real Jesus: