Do You Choose the Rainbow or the Rainbow Flag?
Holy week this year was very profound for me. As I grow in knowledge and understanding of my faith our liturgical celebrations have become much more awesome and meaningful.
Jesus died such a horrible and cruel death, terrible beyond our comprehension and imagination. He did it for you and me. I know that we hear this all the time, but think about this, he did it for you and me individually. If you or I had been the only ones in the whole universe in need of salvation, he would have died just for you or just for me alone. He would have gone through all of that just for you or me. He loves us that much! That is just how personal all this is. Is really is all about me and Jesus and you and Jesus.
Jesus underwent a scourging that ripped his beautiful and poor body to shreds, was crowned with thorns that dug into his head and caused blood to drip down into his eyes and mouth. He then, after being severely beaten, almost to death, was forced to carry a 100 pound cross uphill about a quarter of a mile. Once he arrived at the execution destination, they stripped him naked, drove dull stakes into his hands and feet, all while mocking and making fun of him. He witnessed his mother’s anguish as he was hoisted up high on that cross. He hung in unbearable pain struggling for breath and air as his joints became dislocated and his heart filled with fluid and failed.
And he thought of us.
Christ revealed to St. Faustina that he thought of us on the Cross. With God there is no time. He is eternally now. He could see then, what we do now.
Do you yearn to console Jesus as he hangs on the cross? Then spend time in adoration. Our time in adoration now, consoled Jesus then. He sees us adoring him then, and it brings him comfort. I know that it is hard to wrap your head around, it is so supernatural. We can comfort him.
How awesome is that we can do this? Can you find the time this week? Or every week?
It will not only console Jesus, it will transfigure us. Is there a better way to spend an hour, is there anything better to do than spend this time consoling our Lord, and transforming ourselves?