Before Time
“Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction”
Words that we have all heard and may even ponder its impact on believers for a time. We know that God will not place anyone in hell; those that are there have placed themselves by their own choice. So, let us take a look at the many who are choosing this smooth path paved with gold and pleasure that are not portrayed in the path to life.
Putting this into perspective from actual family intrusions that have willfully decided to remove God from their most precious activities can be a knife cutting through our beliefs. A wedding for a grandson to be performed on JUne 8, 2024, is about to deny that God and all he stands for have been purposely removed from anything to do with the joining two people in a ceremony that has nothing to do with a man and woman reciting vows from who knows where. The latest requirement is that at each table it’s ok if they pray but not verbally for others to hear. Earlier I wondered why they hadn’t asked me to be an official witness until I discovered the younger brother who one time told me he doesn't believe in Jesus Christ. Now I understand why he will be the official witness pronouncing the vows for the wedding. I represent Christ, Church elements of a sacrament, and the belief of many who will be there.
Now, the full meaning of the words regarding the wide gate and path that leads to hell has suddenly become a reality and even though these relatives do not believe in heaven and hell are through their free will turning their backs on God. Some of the comments we heard are; “this God stuff and religious entities are not wanted. I wonder now, if any of them need prayers from my perspective, to whom will they seek such blessings. If they have rejected God and his minister there may not be a ring from the merry-go-round to snatch with a sign of hope. Have they, through their insolence, placed a reservation for hell without realizing their poor choice?
This also brings another disheartening discussion for me to look at. Some of their cousins are guilty of refusing baptism for their little relatives, or if they have been baptized, will they have any chance of being raised Catholic? When seeking instructions for baptizing babies, the Church wants to know if there will be a positive choice to raise them Catholic or just let it go for another day, if indeed it will come
Of course, the choice of many nominal Chritians (In name only) have of their own choice, turned away from God and all that we as ministers, both clergy and lay, have tirelessly spent hours reaching out to the older members of the Church, and maybe to little or no avail.
“But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” (Lk 18: 8).
The one positive note we must not forget; Saul of Tarsus, now St. Paul, who wrote most of the New Testament, was on his way to arrest more Christians (they weren't called Christian yet) and became captured in a vision of Christ on the road to Damascus. His encounter was not the last and there will be others whom Christ will call to be his ministers in the near future. So, even though one who is close to me and is fighting his call unknown, may be the one that will change the hearts of others and perhaps write his experience with the Holy Spirit’\s influence. We can never give up on what God is calling us to tolerate their insolence and pray for their conversion.
Ralph B. Hathaway