Wheat and tares
Today’s D-Day
By: Greg Maresca
It was the 80th anniversary of D-Day and the West’s leadership was on full display at the solemn observance in Normandy, France but there wasn’t a Reagan or Thatcher to be found.
Those heroic veterans who survived the eight decades since proudly wore their old service uniforms adorned with medals that most know little about. These patriots for liberty, who continue to dwindle daily in number, appeared more vigorous than the enfeebled American president who attempted to address them.
It was, however, one of those “TV news’ packages” that lasted a mere three minutes that told the unvarnished story that haunts the American nation from sea to shining sea. Once again, it took one of those nonagenarian World War II veterans in his clear and concise approach to set the record straight when asked what he thought about the state of the American nation: “I feel like a foreigner in my own country.”
Who among us has felt the same?
Deep in our collective American soul, we all realize that our nation is on trial, and the inmates have stacked the court and jury.
During the D-Day invasion, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower invoked “the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.” As news of the invasion spread, “houses of worship filled for services, perhaps the ‘greatest wave of mass intercession in history,’ as one magazine described it.” D-Day’s historic success was “naturally and widely taken as providential.”
Many of those young 18, 19, and 20-year-old men who hit the beaches of Normandy, Anzio and throughout the Pacific, would never see the next day, let alone their next birthday. Some who were too young to serve forged their birth certificates to get in the fight. Many rest in cemeteries not far from where they fell.
Who will take their place in defense of liberty?
Those who survive from the Greatest Generation are spending their last days watching this latest generation turn our democratic republic into a banana republic.
Care to peel back the onion?
Judges at the recent Miss Maryland USA Pageant crowned a transgender male as the winner. Apparently, the judges were swayed more by his talent as he was able to spell his name in the snow. In celebration of Bidenomics’ nonstop inflation, the judges of the Alabama Miss Pageant crowned a 300-pound plus-sized contestant as Alabama Miss of 2024.
Americans argue that the beheading of babies must be placed in its proper context as pro-life activists are sent to prison for praying at abortion clinics. Crime continues to increase as the birthrate sinks to record lows and individual freedoms are under constant attack. Sexual perversion is sanctified, while gluttony, and secularism has usurped the nation’s Judeo-Christian heritage.
Patriotism is labeled insurrection, while treason is celebrated.
A Marine in dress blues gets less respect than a man in a dress who holds the rank of admiral. We ask young people to serve abroad in the military for a salary that can’t compete with civilian wages as our leadership in Washington has thrown our moral and longstanding heritage overboard. Yet, they wonder why the armed forces cannot meet its recruiting quotas year after year despite offering $50,000 bonuses.
Not to mention that the cost of living continues to grow while we remain one flash point from triggering World War III.
Don’t think our enemies haven’t noticed. All they must do is wait out the American cold civil war playing out on every electronic device invented by humankind.
It is time to turn back to God, not turn our backs on God. And until we do, you can expect more of the same.
Much more.
Rather than remaining a spectator, how about getting in the fight like those young men did on the first D-Day?
We owe it to all of them both living and deceased.