“The soul of the one who serves God always swims in joy, always keeps holiday, and is always in the mood for singing.” St. John of the Cross
I was driving recently, and I was cut off by someone. My first reaction was to become angry. Then I ended up following someone who was driving slowly and aimlessly. The time we spend on our phones while we do things has reached the point of being incredible. It seems that we do things without a purpose, without a direction and without a reason. It has become something sad for me. Even when I am at Mass, it seems that this mentality continues.
“We all have a vocation. We need to believe that God has placed us in this life to fill a special need that no one else can accomplish.” St. Francis of Sales
What is our vocation? Maybe we walk or even drift aimlessly through life. I want to live with a purpose. I want to have a direction. Driving such as the people who drove that way in front of me is what I do not want to do. I read recently about Blessed Francisca de Paula de Jesus Isabel. She was alone after her mother died when she was ten. Never learning to read or write, she spent her life alone. She dedicated her life to building a church to Mary. Better known is St. Barnabas. He may have had differing views from Paul, but they both believed in building the life of the Church. It is so important that our focus remains Christ. It is easy to get distracted in a world when we have so much to do or think we have so much to do.
“God made us for joy. God is joy and the joy of living reflects the original joy that God felt in creating us.” Pope St. John Paul II
What are we made for? What is my starting point? Getting bogged down in our lives and forgetting why we are here is a serious problem. We can drift through life and forget about Christ, or we can choose Him since He chose us first. Where else would I go?
“All for God and for His Glory. In whatever you do, think of the Glory of God as your main goal.” St. John Bosco