It's all about Jesus!
We have a 21st Century priest. This is a wonderful thing.
I believe the devil has lost control (*my theory based on legend of a vision of Pope Leo XIII). It seems too good to be true that vice is being taken over by virtue. **We can’t see it because of all the damage done when Satan ran amuck during the century permitted by God. Of course God was never out of control but hopefully God has stopped the terror of Satan. Yet so much damage has already been done. So many hearts have turned away. It may take another century to recover unless we pray to Our Merciful Savior to help us turn it around sooner; To bring hearts to him; To bring his children home; To be merciful to one another as he is merciful; To stop festering on the sins of our ancestors; To start fresh; To baptize our children; To consecrate all children to the Blessed Mother; To trust in Christ who died for us. Our hearts are on fire! Everyone must know Jesus! Believe, believe, believe and keep praying! We must all pray to turn our hearts and minds around as well and the grace to understand what this means.
More good news! The full potential of the Blessed Mother in our lives is being realized especially her importance in salvation history. Fortunately many of our younger priests understand the extreme importance of devotion to Mary and are passing this on to us. ****Consider Father Michael Gaitley MIC.
Yet we hold our old priests dear and gravitate towards them for their gentleness, knowledge and experience. And I can’t forget the great devotion these priest / saints from century’s past had for Our Blessed Mother.
“Mary having co-operated in our redemption with so much glory to God and so much love for us, Our Lord ordained that no one shall obtain salvation except through her intercession.” Saint Alphonsus Ligouri
It’s the in-between priests that may need our prayers the most. The priests who modernized the churches physically and spiritually. Sadly these priests ministered when the devil had the most potential to influence them during Satan’s century of destruction. During this time it was a struggle for everyone to find holiness. Our dear shepherds have always been targets for the devil. ***For this reason Mary repeatedly asks us to pray for priests.
Listening to Father, seeing his dedication and passion, is like passing into a spiritual dimension, shrinking the gap between heaven and earth. I hear from other parishes’ praise of the recently assigned younger pastor or priest.
I ask “how is it possible for us to have a 21st century priest?” I believe more men are being called to the priesthood, passionate, dedicated men answering God’s call. We must remember to honor Our Lady’s plea to pray for priest and thank God for this great blessing in the Church.
Please pray for the dear holy ones as we petition the Mother of God to request her Son to guide all priests and give them wisdom in right judgement that they may think like God.
*On October 13, 1884, shortly after having celebrated mass, Pope Leo XIII fell into a trance. God permitted him to do so, and he was allowed to listen in on a conversation in which Satan came before the throne of God with a request. The following is how the conversation between God and Satan is understood to have occurred;
**Satan: “I can destroy Your Church… To do so I need more time and more power.”
God: “How much time? How much power?”
Satan: “Seventy five to one hundred years and a greater power over those who will give themselves to my service.”
God: “You have the time.”
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