Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen
Eileen Renders
This topic has resonated with me as a young person because I did not comprehend the meaning behind those words. It sounded to me as though some were selected, and others were not selected, but who were those that God chose, and why? Moreover, what were they chosen for I wondered. Not until I matured, and listened to the Gospels in church when my faith and understanding matured was I able to grasp the meaning as I understand it today.
“Many are called”, actually we are all called. “But Few Are Chosen” makes sense to me today also because it is not that God selectively chooses anyone, it is “We” who must choose Him. In e desires to give other words, God can call us, however, if we do not love Him, submit to His will, and be ready to serve Him in our lives, God cannot use us to accomplish what He desires to give to us through the acts of kindness and mercy from His chosen.
God’s chosen have then been graced with talents to teach, to assist others in learning, to show mercy, and to love, but most of all, to work for God as He is the Good Shepherd who wants our help for “Bringing home His sheep.” You may have wondered why God’s chosen have these special talents in helping people to heal, to teach God's word, and to foster love in the hearts of God’s people. The answer may be because these “chosen” have time and again, offered up their will in exchange for the will of God. They are focused on God, and on serving Him. They pray for guidance, and to be led.
In fact, God wants all of us to become His chosen people. Therefore, perhaps we might want to assess our will and how we use it, and if we are ready to turn it over to God, and also become one of His chosen. The gifts we receive in return are many, such as; joy, peace, understanding, a closeness with God we have never felt before, the satisfaction of knowing we are living our lives as God intended, and the promise of an eternity with Him in heaven.