What Are You Thankful For?
The Three Tiers of God’s Love
Eileen Renders
We all want to realize how to attain the love and closeness that comes from God. A love that is perfect and pure as God is love. We know that many of the Saints have felt that love, and they also, endured an earthly purification.
In reading, and reflecting on a few of the Saints’ lives I have come to realize that there are three separate tiers of how we come to know, understand, and love Christ. These tiers are levels, understanding, and our capacity for success as we climb the staircase leading to God.
Intellectually we understand the teachings we have been taught as a child; God is the Creator of the Universe, and He also created each one of us. In the beginning, the universe was pure, healthy, and giving. As Catholics, we also learned that although Jesus was crucified and died on the Cross to save us from sin, He will one day return again. In the meantime, we are to spend our lives getting to know Him, love Him, and serve Him in this world so we can be happy with Him in heaven for eternity.
Spiritually, we have also accepted our spirituality, understand that we have a soul, and were freed of original sin at the time we were Baptized. Yet Satan prowls the world seeking the ruination of souls. We, in turn, attempt in this busy world to remain free of sin, yet are not always successful. We may even turn to Christ to come to our assistance, and still not feel as though we have won the battle against the evil one. Perhaps, we have not used the tools God gave us during His time on earth, such as; Prayer, meditation, frequenting of the sacraments, and always obeying the Ten Commandments. We soon realize that we are literally in the battle of our lives. And must put more effort into growing our faith
Lovingly ~ When He is in us as we are in Him, this happens when we have freed ourselves from sin, and our focus is to love, and serve God through how we live our lives. In return, God is blessing us with the gifts of wisdom, courage, humility, endurance, and the ultimate ecstasy of being at peace, and full of joy. Acceptance from our God. The reason we were born. We are not born as Saints, we must focus on Christ, and gradually work toward pleasing Him. Jesus waits for us!