There Are Two Kinds of Priests (Part 2)
Are you depressed? Psalm 27
Have people been unkind to you? John 15
Are you lonely? Psalm 23
Are you discouraged about work? Psalm 126
Are you full of sorrow? John 15
Do you need courage? Johsua 1
Does your faith need to be stirred? Hebrews 11
Have you sinned? Psalm 51
Are you in danger? Psalm 91
Are you worried? Matthew 6 19-34
Does God seem to be distant? Psalm 139
Are you full of bitterness and a critical spirit? 1Corinthians 13
Are you out of money? Psalm 37
Do you need peace? Matthew 11:25-30
Has someone failed you? Psalm 27
Do you want to bear fruit in your life? John 15
Are you confused about what is going on in your life? Proverbs 3:5-6
Are you having trouble understanding why God would allow certain difficulties in your life? Isaiah 55:8-9