The siren of prayer
"Rise oh refreshed soul from thy slumber! Greet God in the new beginning of this day!"
The sweet birds and a splendid sunrise greet me and comfort my soul in the mornings after I rise. It's just them and me. Secure with the watchful eye of a God who loves me and our Beloved Mother Mary. My sweet Guardian Angel is there also as I lift my eyes to heaven and behold not only the colors and sounds of the morning but also the saving grace of my God, who allowed me to have another chance at gaining my crown for heaven. Another chance to honor and glorify Him.
Every wasted breath and lesson not learned of this new day, is a scourge to my soul. Wasting this precious day is a blasphemy as great as any other sin I could commit. For God in His Holy Providence has blessed it by His presence. I do not know the hour or the moment when He will call me to His justice and show me my past. Therefore making it quite important to me to use the time He is allowing me to serve Him with all of my might. Let me not falter in His grace. Let me not waste anymore time in praising HIM who is so generous with His gifts!
At these moments in the morning, feeling refreshed and secure in the fact that He has given me a new day to try, I greet Him with sincerity and hope. The sun starts to rise and my eyes can see more and more clearly the dawn of this new day. I wish so many times that these moments could freeze and stay as peaceful as that morning rising out of the dark.
Greeting God and the heavens assures me surrender and the hope only He can give. I pray with all of my heart for HIM to stay with me. But like a good father he pushes me to walk on my own with the trust that He is walking right beside me. I ask Mary, my Mother, to cover me and my loved ones within Her Holy Mantle. Tucking us inside the pleats to protect us from all danger. I smile at my faithful Guardian angel, telling him to never leave me alone lest I fall upon the great weight of the day. All console me "they" will do their part. Now it is time for me to do "my" part.
Greet God in the mornings and lay to rest at night in the comfort of His Holy arms. Thank Him for this day, and Peace for the next.