Remain Vigilant, And What To Look Out For
Who Is God? Part Two
Eileen Renders
If you have already read Part One of this article, I will continue now with how we can achieve that level of intimacy with God that our hearts long for. If not, please go back and first read Part One of “Who is God?”
Although we long for that ultimate degree of intimacy with God when He is in us, and we are in Him, life has its distractions such as work, family household chores, etc. Therefore, we must become determined to allot a special time each day for spending alone with Christ. This alone time allows us to;
Meditate; Be quiet and listen to be guided. To show how we want and need to be with Him. To submit ourselves to Him.
Pray; Prayer is powerful, especially when done frequently and with sincerity. When we want to show love for anyone, our time, effort, and commitment are required.
Remaining in the state of grace; God will not abide in the heart of a being who continually commits sins, and without frequenting the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion. And of course, we are expected to respect and follow the Ten Commandments.
Unite our suffering with God on the Cross; This can be as simple as not complaining whenever we have a toothache, or fall and sprain an ankle. Rather than expect immediate freedom from pain, unite our suffering with the suffering Christ went through for us. This shows God how we truly appreciate what He has offered up for us.
Commit ourselves to stop hurting Christ; We can do this by stopping committing our sins over and over again. In this way, we show God we do not want to continue hurting Him. And also, how much we want to become closer to Him.
Be of service to others; Matthew 25:40. “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” God is Love. He is merciful and forgiving. Jesus is humble. We must live to imitate God so that He will come into us and accept us, and live in us, and lead us on how to follow Him.
Connect with a Spiritual Advisor; If you are feeling confused, or burdened, and may have trouble understanding, or focusing on God, request from your parish to be connected with a priest or spiritual Deacon for advisement.
Pray to the Holy Spirit; After Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, Jesus visited His disciples in the upper room and told Him that he must leave them, but that the Holy Spirit would be with them. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you.
How will we know if God is calling us to serve Him, or how to serve Him?
Because there are still a few questions to answer, I invite you to Part Three of “Who is God?” to follow