The cure for ignorance is education
I’ve noticed that there has been much made about Viganò’s excommunication trial. You know, the one he didn’t show up for. Vigano SKIPS Excommunication Trial?
I’m not going to talk about his bizarre Pro-Russia views (for more about how hypocritical it is for him to praise Russia and condemn China, see here; Truth matters)
(Before we get into the details, help me out by checking out my community on Locals; Catholicism news and whatever community,
And if you'd like to know what I'd much rather write about than Church politics, go here; Bringing the Deuterocanon to the masses)
But I am going to talk going to talk about disobedience. This man is proud of the charges levied against him.
Seems oddly appropriate for June.
He’s no new John The Baptist.
He’s come in the spirit of Martin Luther.
This man is no hero. He’s a schismatic, and instead of proclaiming fidelity to the successor of Saint Peter, he started his own church.
Like Luther.
And people still defend him.
Like Luther.
This is the same man, by the way, who protected McCarrick (As Michael Lofton from Reason and Theology has documented The UNTOLD TRUTH of Archbishop Vigano: Did Vigano Shelter McCarrick? (Part 1))
Viganò’s cut himself off from God’s people, and he has no one to blame but himself.
His defenders though, will blame everything and everyone BUT him.
I’m not going to go through the whole thing, but I think Romans 11:21-24 applies, and read all of Romans 11 on your own, but I want to focus on v.22
“Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: On them which fell, severity; otherwise thou also shalt be cut off”. (I used the King James Version because of how well known it is)
This is the thing about Viganò, he cut himself off.
Do I think he’s going to hell?
I have no idea. But, as it stands, he is a schismatic and possibly a heretic.
I’d imagine that he’ll soon become Russian Orthodox, since he loves Moscow so much, and the Pseudo-Orthodox Church of Russia.
Patriarch Kirill and Viganò are two peas in a pod.
Adam Charles Hovey is the host of “Coffee and Christianity” on the Adam Charles Hovey Podcast: Coffee and Christianity
He is also the creator of the Catholicism, News, and Whatever community on Locals: Catholicism news and whatever community