Please, don't forget us!
How do we look upon those whose faith has crumbled because of the sin of one person?
When the faith of so many becomes a past memory to whom can we rely upon for a resurgence of renewing our own? The question should be: has our faith succumbed to a radical occurrence as a reason or is it an excuse to walk away from God and all he has blessed us with
We must go back many thousands of years to a time when adherence to our creator and all he extended to mankind in spite of our constant rejection. Perhaps the first place from history has to be in the time of Noah. “When the Lord saw how great was man’s wickedness on earth, and how great was man’s wickedness on earth, and how no desire that his heart conceived was ever anything but evil, he regretted that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was grieved.” (Gn 5: 5 - 6).
Without referring again to the scandal in the Catholic Church, its outcome has still left scars on some that may never be wiped away. The more I hear of some men who became victims, or many who were just turned away from their church because of this scandal, my feelings for them have found sustenance in their pain.
As I previously wrote regarding this ungodly tragedy there were a number of priests I worked with in various ministries and parishes. Many were from my own home parish and I was disappointed to say the least when their names came up on the list of predators. Yet, my opinion was not one of disgust for the Catholic Church or an excuse to avoid my own faith in the Church. And that brings me to this comment that those who have dropped out of the Church as a reason for this scandal are confused. It has become an excuse to make up a scenario that holds no water in essence for refusing Holy Mass.
While we look for an excuse to reject the Church using the reasoning of what one person used to satisfy their corrupted entity towards Christ, they have stepped over the very essence of the Holy Trinity that sent Christ to earth in order to extend forgiveness for even that one person who failed in his trek to ministry and performed the unbelievable obtrusive act on young boys.
Yes, they fell below the deepest evil of hurting innocent boys to satisfy their sin of evil intents. “Let the children come to me and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.” (Lk 18: 16 - 17).
Watch the news from a Catholic perspective and view the corruption that has occurred within our ranks and the shadows that appear to be growing within the halls of learning for new seminarians. What many are hearing from professors in Catholic universities, and seminary education could find a way that is leading the future of the Church down a path of evil in some areas.
One priest whom I had a lot of respect for invited me to conduct an evening class on the RCIA. Because of my teaching as a Master Catechist for the diocese of Pittsburgh, and my professional ability to teach in trade schools, he felt I could handle this assignment. After my class was finished and this priest friend came back from a previous ministry, he asked how things went. Then he sat down and spread his legs holding his hands on his groin area, rubbing it in an opening to perform sex with him. I was appalled and left the parish, confused and sorry that I was now a target for his pleasure. This showed me that within the credulity of the Church through its ministers there lies a whole avenue of temptations where many have its roots in the seminaries.
I mention this not to condemn this priest friend or the many hundreds that are guilty of these approaches to sin, but to point out that this sin among others is one that is prevalent and we can go back to how Satan has decided to use the center of the Church, through its priesthood, to inject the sin against purity into the ones who administer the Sacraments of the Church.
Now, let us look once again to the holiness of the Church, its ministers, and the only way to find God’s forgiveness through the Sacraments of the Catholic Church. We can all agree that within the walls of any institution there will be men who are weak and the trust we put in them may become intolerable. While we consider condemning them and anyone who adheres to this type of evil, we must go back to Calvary and hear the words all over again; “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” (Lk 23: 34). If we stand accusing them before God, who will ask God to forgive us for any or all of our sins?
Ralph B. Hathaway