Who Is God? Part Three
Eileen Renders
If you have read Part One, and Part Two of “Who is God”. We will move forward with the last part of this article. If you have not read Part One and Part Two of “Who Is God”, please go back and begin with the first part of this three-part article.
Along with attempting to understand our God who is three persons in one God, who transcends male or female, and who can be everywhere at the same time, we then went on to reflect in part two of this article on how we can become intimate with our creator, become pleasing in His eyes.
And this leads us helps us understand through John, His disciple, some of the gifts we receive in following Him in John 14;
Love and obedience ~ Jesus links love for Him with obedience to His commandments, and promises that he will reveal Himself to those who love Him.
Peace ~ Jesus leaves His peace with His disciples, a peace that is different from what the world gives. Recall Him saying; “My peace I give you, My peace I leave you.”
The Way to the Father ~ Jesus declares Himself to be the way, the truth, and the life, stating that no one comes to the Father except through Him.
In Unity with the Father ~ Jesus explains that those who have seen Him have seen the Father and emphasizes the unity He shares with the Father.
Comfort in Troubled Times ~ Jesus begins by encouraging His disciples not to let their hearts be troubled, assuring them to trust in God and also, in Him.
The Role of the Holy Spirit ~ Jesus promises us another Assistance in our spiritual lives, the Holy Spirit, who will dwell with, and remain in believers forever.
A Promise of Heaven ~ Jesus speaks of going to prepare a place for them (believers, those who love Him) in His Father’s House, which has many rooms, indicating the assurance of eternal life.
Mysticism ~ This is a complex concept with many different variations of interpretations, but all have at its core is a pursuit of achieving a direct, intimate union with the Divine. It refers most often, to a spiritual journey where one seeks to transcend the ordinary repetition of everyday life to achieve enlightenment. Profound enlightenment that describes the Mystic, such as; Transformation; This is preceded by various means such as; prayer, meditation, and reflection. Spiritual knowledge; Gaining spiritual knowledge that is not accessible to intellect alone, but is attributed to deep, inner revelation, insight, or intuition. Altered States of Consciousness ~ Mysticism can involve altered states of consciousness, which are interpreted in a religious or spiritual context. Union with the Divine ~ Mystics focus on and work toward direct communion with God, often described as an experience beyond intellectual comprehension.
When God pulls certain individuals towards Him, it is often described as feeling like a magnetic pull and is a description often found in various religious and spiritual traditions. This “pull” is further described as a form of divine grace, a calling.
When God calls us to Him ~ Many traditions hold that it is by God’s Divine Grace that individuals are drawn to Him, it is not something we earn or achieve, but rather a gift. However, this gift is only given to those who love, obey, and serve God.
Spiritual Awakening ~ this is often described as a profound spiritual awakening that changes one’s perception of reality and their relationship with God.
Purpose And Calling ~ Those individuals who feel that they are being pulled toward God believe they are being called to a higher purpose in their lives. By answering that call, they embark upon a deeper Spiritual journey.
God created in all of us, an emptiness and longing that cannot be filled through human interaction or relationships. This is attributed to the Soul’s Longing to be in union with God. This is a powerful force that is often misunderstood and requires spiritual exploration and attunement.