The Allman brothers song, "whipping post" sums up for me the humanity of all people.
We use each other as our "whipping posts", and we are used as whipping posts for others alike. Resolving to the fact that "Jesus" is the "ultimate whipping post". Hanging there as a remembrance of what He did in His compassionate mercy, for all of us, by dying for our sins on that "Whipping Post". May my Mind and heart always remember this.
It's not fair to have anyone or anything be a whipping post.There is much suffering there And the scourge is felt by those hanging there are bitter pain.
Woe to my soul, for ever making someone feel like that! To be conscious of this is so important for my soul and all well being.
I feel horrible when I've realized I took out frustrations and attitude on someone who didn't deserve it. That clearly had nothing to do with them. I must try harder to overcome this.
We ourselves, when not finding anyone to batter, we then batter ourselves. We might as well keep the whip tied around our bodies so it's close at hand. Whipping comes from evil, the kind that whipped our poor Jesus at His passion. Hurt is the aim and not given reason from God's hand, but the devils.
Clearly let my soul rejoice in realizing this bad habit! To rely on the Mercy of God and ask for forgiveness and the knowledge To fix the wrong in me. To take responsibility in all tasks of the mind, body and soul.