Pointing at the Moon or Missing the Point
The fourth of July parade was something we participated in as kids but really did not know why. The night before the parade I helped my brother weave red, white, and blue crepe paper around the spokes of his bike, we taped some playing cards to the spokes as well to add some snappy sounds as he pedaled. His costume was an Uncle Sam sort of character, red, white, and blue pants, and shirt. A tall stove pipe hat with stars and stripes and a white goatee taped to his small chin was a finishing touch. He looked darling, but I did not tell him that because I knew in his mind, he was Uncle Sam, whoever that was.
When you are a kid, the Fourth of July is a different sort of Holiday, it’s hard to explain, with no Santa, Pumpkins or Green Shamrocks, the concept of Independence is broad. The concept of a Representative Republic as a form of government is broad. The idea that power resides in elected representatives and leaders, rather than a monarch, is tough to explain, especially if you have not experienced a monarchy in over two hundred years.
When the Colonists wrote their letter to King George of England stating that they were breaking up with him, or declaring their independence, they went from being Subjects to Citizens, an idea that meant that although they now had certain rights, they also had responsibilities within the boarders of the new nation. For this new Nation based on Freedom to exist required people to be virtuous and self-governing. The right to pursue happiness was encapsulated in the joy of being independent.
As the parade began, Andy was on his bike, going down the parade route alone! He was independent, free from the constraints of mom and dad, i.e., King George! The fireworks he felt in his little heart, the smell of barbecues and picnics filled his nose. The families lined up along the parade route, patriotically dressed, waved flags, and cheered as this little kid rode by, on his banana seat bike, crepe paper fluttered behind him. He sat up even taller on his bike and seemed to realize what this Holiday was all about in his moment of independence. In his mind- why, he was Uncle Sam, whoever that was.