Democrats Have Become An Echo of 1930s Germany
As Catholics, we understand the meaning of compassion and mercy. However, we also understand duty. Such are the opposing concepts when we are dealing with the current president after the recent debate.
As individuals, we can feel pity and understanding towards Joe Biden, as we would to any person who is obviously that far from reason. Many of us have seen elderly relatives in that condition and it is not a pretty sight. It elicits legitimate sympathy.
It also elicits rage, as a scheming and manipulative Jill Biden and the White House staff engage in elder abuse against a senile old man. A man so enfeebled he had to be led off the debate stage step by step and then humiliated by his own wife, who treated him like a toddler who had just learned to count to three, at an event after the debate.
But we have seen this before from Democrats. As I have been pointing out for years, during the end of the Wilson and FD Roosevelt administrations these presidents were so incapacitated that wives and senior aides ran the country. This with the collusion of most of their respective cabinets. These people cared not for their leader or the country. Then, as now, raw power is their only goal, their only reason for being.
A man, according to the Hur transcripts, who does not know what year it is deserves our pity. But as a president, he warrants our complete and total disgust. No political prize when he was sentient, Biden now resembles King Theoden in LOTR when under the spell of Saruman. Okay, I apologize for the comparison. I apologize to Theoden.
And let's not forget the enablers in the press and Democrat Party, who knew full well of Biden’s senility. They are now exposed as liars of the first order, their cover up apparent to all who can see and hear.
By clinging to power long past his sell date, Biden and his ilk put this country in danger, as enemies in Beijing and Moscow salivate at upcoming opportunities. This so Jill Biden and her power mad coterie can strangle the last breath out of Joe Biden and hold power until the man dies in office or resigns soon after he may win reelection. With a growing number of Americans opposed to a second term for Biden, the possibility of his reelection grows dim. But that won't stop Nurse Jill from pushing her weak and confused husband until he finally breaks for good.
Joe Biden swore an oath when he took office as president. He pledged to defend this nation.
He has a duty to fulfill that promise. He has failed in that endeavor and no spin, nor drugs, nor ad buys will hide that fact any longer. As such, we as Catholics and Americans also have a duty. It is to boot him from office on election day.
Our faith instructs us to love the sinner and hate the sin. Well, I don't know about loving Joe Biden. But I can certainly feel pity for the man trapped inside that decaying brain. However, as per the sin of elder abuse, of megalomania, of putting lust for power above country, I can feel and reason out nothing but revulsion and condemnation for Jill Biden, the liberal press, the Democrat Party, and the enablers in the White House. Hopefully they will get what's due all of them come November.