We are NOT in Just Another Age of Opposition
The hemorrhaging woman and the little girl apocalypse 11
Recently, we read the beautiful Gospel that shows the parallel healing and resuscitation: the healing of the woman who had had hemorrhaging for 12 years and the resurrection of the 12 year-old girl. I had always heard these Scriptures for many years now, even into these many years that I have been pondering Apocalypse and Salvation History in general, but it had never occurred to me that there would be an incredible spiritual meaning to this text, that is, until now! What, then, if the scene is a proto-expression of the Two Witnesses discourse? May sound crazy, but it is entirely apropos. Come along and see.
The Two Females, the Old and New Peoples of God
To begin, obviously, there are two females, one old, one young: the hemorrhaging woman and the 12 year old girl. Well, firstly, God’s People are female, because they receive from God into their inner being truth and grace, just as a woman receives a man into her body. Relatively speaking, though there is only One People of God at any one time, and in particular, the Church is the true People of God now, there is still an alternative beloved People who, in the New Covenant, are separated from Christ but will accept him at the end, the Jews.
Why is one female older than another? Well, the Jews are older spiritually since they entered covenant with God some five sub ages [the Old Testament by some ancient Tradition, including Augustine and St Methodius of Olympus] before the Christ came, who inaugurated the Church. Hence, the hemorrhaging woman is the Jews, and the girl is the developing Church.
A parallel developments is also suggested since they both traverse the same period of time, 12 years; that is, at the time that the woman here encounters Jesus, she has been internally bleeding for 12 years, and the girl, at this time, is 12 years old also. 12, of course, is like the fullness, as in 12 Tribes or 12 Apostles. Hence, a certain sense of an epic event that brings fullness would be meant here. We will deal with this momentarily.
Note, too, this is like the parable of the prodigal son, which is about the Jews and the Gentiles apocalyptically according to some Fathers. Which one is the prodigal son? Okay, well, like above, each son represents a People that are born into the Kingdom of God. The Jewish people were born into God’s Family first through Abraham so they are older. The Gentiles are not born into God’s family until many centuries later with the coming of Jesus, and so are younger. So then obviously, the older son is the Jews and the younger son is the Gentiles. This gives us an added support to interpret the two females of our Gospel scene in question.
So, again , in today's Gospel the parallel between the older woman and the girl both involved the same 12 years.
In the apocalypse 11 scripture, or the two witnesses discourse, the same parallel exists between the trampling of the holy city by the gentiles, and the preaching of the two witnesses; both of them last three and one half years, which is expressed in one sense by 42 months, and in the other sense by 1260 days. Each of these quantities is the same amount because one month is exactly 30 days in Jewish counting. Of course this is symbolic time. In fact in biblical meaning, 3 and 1/2 is seen as great imperfection since it is exactly 1/2 of 7, the number of perfection.
What we will now see is that there is an astounding perfect parallel between the symbolism of Apocalypse 11 discourse, and this wonderful beautiful scripture of the gospels between the hemorrhaging woman, and the parallel of the little girl who dies and is arisen.
Apocalypse 11 in review
We need to recall the apocalypse 11 scripture to understand where we are at and then look at the gospel scripture today to see the amazing parallels, so let us review apocalypse 11.
When we read apocalypse 11, there are two concurrent types of spiritual activity that must be concurrent because their time periods are the same in the expression of the scripture, as we just saw, namely, 3.5 symbolic years.
• The first is the trampling of the holy city by the gentiles
• The second is the preaching of the two witnesses.
If we take the holy city and its trampling to be literal then it will make sense as we proceed.
Now, the holy city in the Old Testament is literally Jerusalem. From this, the period that Jerusalem is trampled by the gentiles implies the great Jewish diaspora,
The preaching of the two witnesses is also easy to see as follows
The church , perhaps out of the two great witnesses of oral and written tradition, or scripture and tradition, draws forth from them the wellspring of the teachings of the church for 2000 years.
When she has completed the teaching, as the scripture of Apocalypse 11 says, we must assume that this figurative time period of three and a half years, is up, in which case, Jerusalem is no longer trampled by the gentiles.
This is astounding, because when Jerusalem ceased literally to be trampled by the gentiles ,it was the mid-60s , 1967 to be precise.
Amazingly, it was almost the same time in history, through the incredible and great council of the Vatican II , that the church wrapped up 2000 years of doctrinal history and represented it to humanity in a positive sense , so as in hope to reunite Christians and bring about to humanity peace and solidarity if they would but reconsider the gospel that at that time they had all but abandoned.
This period was from 1962 to 1965, almost amazingly concurrent to the 1967 when Jerusalem became possessed by the Jewish people.
And amazingly as well, right after 1967ish around 1968 or so, the sexual revolution, descended upon the world ! And this is effectively an apostasy , because when you destroy human sexuality , you are just annihilating the very source of love and of human society; for as the family goes , so goes the world, just as, St Paul the 6th and saint John Paul II predicted .
How? Well, when Saint Paul the 6th promulgated humanae vitae, the great encyclical on the regulation of birth, he foresaw that if unnatural birth control became widespread, it would lead to a terrible sexual rebellion and the loss of all morality in civilization, which has truly happened and is culminating to our day.
And the world has truly considered the church to be dead during this time, as it has been largely falling apart from a grave misinterpretation of Vatican ii, which would otherwise have given us a wonderful time for the world but instead has collapsed.
In a similar vein, the beast killing the two witnesses and leaving them dead in the streets, can symbolize this period of darkness.
But Jesus has promised to protect the church until the end of time. It can never be destroyed even if it seems to be; for , he has said at the Ascension, behold I Am with You always unto the end of the age.
Returning to apocalypse 11, this period in which the two witnesses lie dead or seemingly dead in the streets and in which the world celebrates their death that they are no longer there to prick their consciences,
The two witnesses receive the breath of life and stand up on their feet.
Suddenly then, the world fears them, an earthquake occurs, and the remainder of humanity is afrighted and gives glory to God.
At a simultaneous point, the two witnesses are assumed into heaven and a great voice vindicates them.
A profound parallel of this exists over the last generation and seemingly what is left for the immediate future if most of the fully approved private Revelations are true concerning the latter times of the church, based on EWTN scholarship: see https://www.womenofgrace.com:8443/blog/?p=24182.
Just as the godless age of this last generation has seen a world that has no regard for God whatsoever and celebrates that it does not have to have a conscience anymore,
And profoundly fulfills what we have just seen in the beast and the two witnesses lying dead in the streets. ..
The prophecies of these mystics more or less indicate that in the immediate future, there will be a chastisement in which the world begins to fear God again and begins to realize that it needs the witnesses of the church the scripture and tradition, out of which the treasures of Catholic teaching are drawn.
This is amazing again, when we see it perfectly emulated in the breath of Life re-entering the two witnesses, in that they rise up, and great fear falls upon those who see them.
Finally, their assumption into heaven and those who remain giving glory to god, can be seen as the vindication of the church’s teaching which would clearly indicate the reunion of the separated Christians to the Catholic Church, which is also generally flowing from these same approved apparitions overall.
Today’s Gospel
Astoundingly, today’s Gospel on the woman who hemorrhages for 12 years, and the parallel time of the growth of the 12-year-old girl to maturity, her seeming death, and at the same time the healing of the hemorrhaging woman, and similarly moving into the story…
The parallels work wonderfully.
For, if the elder woman can symbolize the Jewish people, then the healing of their agony in the diaspora can symbolize their restoration to the Holy Land.
Similarly , the girl who is younger, can symbolize the church growing up toward maturity, even as when the two witnesses cease their preaching, it would indicate a certain maturity within her doctrinal development. Maturity as she witnesses to the truths of Christ
She seems to die but Jesus says she is only asleep.
Jesus says that he can heal her and raise her up.
Many of the persons there laugh at Jesus and ridicule him that he can do this, just as the world inthe Godless age laugh that these two witnesses would ever torture them again in their conscience.
But Jesus raises the girl up, vindicating what he had said and proving to the people his power to keep his church from dying; that it can even recover from a seeming death.
A great portion of the fully approved private Revelations say that this will happen, in that after the minor tribulation, Christians will be reunited and the gospel will be restored in much of the world.
In a similar vein, the girl is given a piece of food to prove that she truly is alive and not a ghost,
Then she begins to wait on them.
Note to that after 12 years old, a young girl begins to become a woman through puberty and is very close to being able to be married.
This can symbolize that the church has reached her beautiful maturity in most doctrinal development, able to serve humanity until the time when it rejects her in full.
So it makes a real powerful case that there is an incredible parallel here between this gospel story and the two witnesses.
Addendum about the elder woman as the Jewish people
Let us look upon the elder woman , the, Jews, for a further analysis in depth. To Begin the primary analysis, we recall that the first basic gist is that the little girl is the Church who matures for the first great epic of Church history: the doctrinal development in which Christians are separated from the catholic Church. The second gist is that, at the same time, the Jewish people are separated from the Holy Land, that is, the trampling of the Holy City by the Gentiles. In other words, those who are spiritually in error [separated Christians] are separated from the spiritual holy place [the Catholic Church] just as those who are in physical error [the Jews] are separated from the physical holy place [the Holy Land].
Within the same period of time, the Jews are internally bleeding because they have not found the Messiah and because they are separated from their home, which they regard as supremely salvific. They are in agony. They are like, if we could but touch the truth of God a little, God would heal us. It will give them a glimmer of hope.
This is like St Mary Magdalene at the tomb. The second time Jesus questions her for weeping, she still does not recognize Jesus, but she surmises He is the gardener and issues forth a faint hope in “finding Him”, “Sir, if you know where they have laid Him, then please tell me, and I shall go and anoint Him.” See.
This really matches up to our modern day. The Jews have been restored their Holy Land, and they have a greater glimmer of hope, as if they had but touched the garment of Our Lord. Meaning what? Meaning, already the Jews are seeing a greater light in the Christ and His disciples. For most of church history, the Jews and the Gentiles were enemies—not merely spiritually but many times physically.
After the Holocaust, Christians had a sober awakening about the treatment they had given the Jewish people. So Christians reached out in love, and the Jews began to recognize, through Christ, righteous Gentiles. They still do not recognized the God-Man standing before them as their Lord, but they seem to look upon Him as someone who can help them “find the Messiah.”And in the spark of truth that the Jewish people are embracing, they were, again, reunited to their land.
In another dimension, the separated Christians and religions can fulfill the woman; they are internally bleeding because of their spiritual errors and lack of grace. I suppose we could say that many of them claim to be older than the Catholic Church because they accuse the Catholic Church of novelty and innovation. Many hyper-Protestants believe that they were the first Christians before Constantine, and that then, the evil men as bishops and pope usurped the Church as impostors. Indeed too, the Orthodox actually believe that the Church has always been Orthodox and never believed in paapl infalliblity until “Peter invented it and created the Catholic Church in AD 1054~”
There were many “doctors” down through the centuries who tried to cure the bleeding woman, but to no avail. Marcion was a doctor. Montanus was a doctor. Donatus was a doctor. So were Arius, Nestorius, Muhammed, the Orthodox, Hus, Wycliffe, Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Wesley, the Puritans, the Jansenists, Voltaire, Thomas Jefferson, Marx, Engel, etc. All these men tried their cures, and the woman only got worse.
But soon, Jesus will heal all these divisions in the Chastisement and reunion of Christians, when Our Lady will Triumph in peace. How? It is in this, that the chastisement will manifest the true consequences of not listening to the teachings of the church.
This is because refusal to accept the truths of God does not merely harm one spiritually but even starts in a physical sense.
Hence, just as Heaven begins on Earth with a sharing of Grace, so sin already begins hell on Earth.
And therefore, as the world begins to see the consequences of all errors against the Catholic church, she will, as it were , start to open her eyes to her wisdom, which will include therefore all of the Christian churches and communities in error.
Yes, if they would but touch the truth of Jesus and His Church, there could be a healing of the reunion of Christians.
I forgot another thing: why are the garments of Jesus the truth? Well remember that the Church is the Body of Christ, and the primary layer of meaning of the Woman of Apocalypse is that she is the Church. The Virgin is secondary. And the Woman is clothed with the sun. The sun is the greatest light in the sky, and the light symbolizes the truth which guides us. So Jesus’ white garment that he wears is like the sun of the Woman. So if the hemorrhaging woman can simply touch the truth she will be healed.