Voices from the Past
The Demise of Righteousness!
A statement of fear, disbelief, and doubt that should not be a reality but today there are too many who adhere to this as gospel truth. Righteousness as a noun; it is the quality of being morally right or justifiable. God’s righteousness means that he rules his creation with impartiality, he punishes the wicked with wrath, he keeps his promises, and rescues the oppressed. Much of this may be found in Psalm 9.
Why would we think righteousness might collapse as a reality when there are so many people who still believe in God as the only way to an eternal life with him? Look at the two entities we hold dear to our beliefs and adherence with. They are our Church and the very traditions that have taught us about God, and the government that protects us through the Constitution and the Flag we hold as the perfect symbol of a nation that God always protects.
Stand back and view the essence of both institutions and the leaders of both who are not what we once knew and supported. It may be easy to see what is happening in Washington DC and the apparent corruption that is pulling democracy away from what our forefathers bravely fought for. Politics, an entity that should guide our rights “Of the People, By the People, For the People” as Abraham Lincoln stated in his address at Gettysburg no longer appears to hold precedent in the hearts of too many American hearts. Most especially the members of the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House Have become self-seeking gurus without concern for their constituents’ needs. We fight to keep our freedoms intact, but when our struggle is confronted by our president and his unbelieving manner of ignoring the rules of government that were established for us, the People Lincoln spoke of on that battlefield of buried soldiers has brought the spirits of the dead to life. Our democracy is falling away from the Truth that the Blood of Christ died for, 2,000 years ago and today for human integrity.
Rome, the Vatican, and the priesthood that Christ initiated for his followers. What is happening where the seat of Catholicism is located and the many changes instituted by Pope Francis have begun to place doubt in the minds of the parishioners in the pews. Recently with the scandal regarding Archbishop McCarrick accused and laicized for sexual but too old to be tried in a public court. That is just one of many incidents that must be confronted, morally.
The latest news from Rome is Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano is being accused of fomenting schism by denying the legitimacy of Francis rejecting the Second Vatican Council. Vigano revealed news of the canonical trial by the Vatican’s disciplinary body, the Dicastry of the Doctrine of Faith, himself Thursday on X and released a long statement in which he accused the Pope of promoting unchecked immigration, LGBTQ+ ideologies and an environmentalist agenda.
Vigano routinely refers to the Argentine-born Francis by his given name-Jorge Mario Bergoglio just as a further disrespectful dig. He’s called Francis a liberal “servant of Satan” a usurper of the throne of St. Peter demanded that the Swiss Guards arrest him for crimes of heresy, blamed the Pope for the scourge of homosexuality and accused him of overlooking sexual misconduct among priests. Parts of this section are excerpts from an article in the Toronto Star”s Rosie DiManno June 21, 2024.
Not too long ago I wrote an article regarding Schism in the Church, where China was taking the \issue of the nation's Roman Catholics under their guise and placing bishops in China by their own jurisdiction. To keep things running along in China, Pope Francis approved this move. These bishops are not Catholic through proper ordination, but by the government. Are we going back centuries where popes were put in place by kings instead of the Church?
Just where are we going as a Church in today’s guidance and by whom are we getting the word of Christ as God directed through the Incarnation to the Assumption?
This is the meaning of the “Demise of Righteousness” where the future of our nation and the Catholic Church are heading towards the control of Satan and the event of the Antichrist.
It is essential that we speak out and support the rights of government for the people and not the President who should resign. The Catholic Church also needs a reawakening and the Church must go back to what is truth. We are worrying too much about being inclusive in the words and must find and adhere to the understanding of what Jesus taught his apostles.
Sorry to offend anyone; but marriage is for one man and one woman, period. Holy Orders are reserved only to men. That includes the diaconate which is able under certain requirements to move on to the priesthood. Women cannot enter that ministry and say it’s ok. It isn’t.
Just as a note of my own ministry; In Texas I met a woman deacon who was Episcopal and we related in a common community ministry. But, she remained non-Catholic and that was that.
Ralph B. Hathaway