Where is Your Faith
Imagine Your Life
Imagine that you have no faith trust or hope
That all you do is a constant struggle for life
How do you even begin to cope
Living each day in constant strife
Imagine still by not praying what might happen
If you continue down this path that surely belongs to Satan
That you would be giving up eternal bliss
Living one day in an inferno because you let all go amiss
Imagine now instead that you do have faith and trust
Would you detest what your life has become
Would you feel you lack proper income
Might you even have been given a teeny portion of Solomon’s wisdom
Imagine if you truly prayed to Jesus every day
Not just in the morning or at night
But throughout the whole day did you pray
Know that He would always be there to help make life right
Imagine also that no matter what happens here
With faith and trust all hurt and angst disappear
Being miserable is a choice you begin to realize
That with faith in Jesus above it you rise
Imagine no more for by this selfless surrender
To Heaven and through its doors will you enter
Because you stopped incessant imagining
And truly by faith began with Jesus living
JFFIII 7/4/24
Happy Independence Day