January Novenas and Feast Days
In 1941, the world was at war. The United States was neutral, yet they were against the Axis powers and their agenda to conquer the world. It was during that same year that Fulton Sheen released a timeless philosophical book that will permeate today’s America.
The book Declaration of Dependence was written by this American prophet. On the eve of America’s entry, Sheen saw some of the ways America would experience its downfalls as they will pull away from God. He knew that the Christian ideal and identity of America were at stake with the rise of communism.
From page one to its conclusion, Sheen tells us how to trust God as paganism, communism, and totalitarianism are on the rise. Some of which we are seeing now. Further, Sheen guides us to recommit to God, restoring our country, and the world.
A good line from the book to consider is the following:
“Men are visited with the effects of their own sins,” wrote Sheen. “In other words, sin brings adversity, and such adversity is the expression of God’s chastisement of sin, brought about by the action of man himself. We are living in such a period of history now — the sad hour wherein we are gathering the bitter fruits of our apostasy from God. Wars from without; class hatreds, bigotry, anti-Semitism, anti-Catholicism, atheism, and immoralities from within — are the harvest of our godlessness. I know that there are many who profess belief in God, but they do not act on that belief. What recognition is given to the moral law in politics, economics, or education? How many Americans who say they believe in God went to their church or to their synagogue last Sunday or Sabbath?”
To obtain a copy of this prophetic book, please order here. It is on sale for $10 which no one can beat. Plus, the money spent on the site helps a Catholic business.