Be joyful
My favorite times of the day are around 5AM and 830PM. In the mornings, everything and everyone are still in their sleepy mode and the quiet is so much appreciated. It gives me time to reflect and the peace is phenomenal. Around 8:30, dusk, it is still light out enough to look around at the day ending, and also reflect. Except on July 3. The blasts that are nonstop as if it were already July 4th, I stop and think of the children and innocent men and women who are experiencing a different kind of blast. The blasts of bombs and guns being fired needlessly, destroying their lives and their livelihood. I can see how traumatized the victims of war could be. The victims of war, be it soldiers or civilians. How they can hear any sound of boom whether it be near or far and shake them to the bone. America doesn't realize how lucky they are not to be experiencing that, and I pray everyday that we won't. How long can the Hand of the Almighty be held down in patience over the travesty of this portion of hate? God did not create humans for this sort of behavior. Our Forfathers were sincere, I believe, in writing the Declaration of Independence, but man's selfishness and pride are slowly decreasing the meaning of every word written. July 4th was declared for Freedom. Freedom to do what is right and Holy as we were taught by Jesus Christ Himself. Freedom to choose not to murder life within us or around us. To not betray the Holy Sacraments that are kept in Heaven.
As 1 can notice, it is getting harder and harder to hold up for what is right. The Evil 1 is infiltrating himself more and more and people are still blind to it. My own challenges to love and serve are strong these days. I find myself working so hard daily to keep up with my bills that the true essence of labor is beaten down to an exhausting pace, therefore leaving me grouchy and impatient. Having my nightly reflections of the day tainted with embarrassment to my patient God who is still willing to love and forgive me. Relax, I tell myself. You can't do everything. You can't fix everything. After some deep breaths, and a true feeling of contrition, I am eased of the burden of my failures.
God, Please Bless America. Let me, in my part, be worthy of Thy Blessing. May all of us stop and thank God for this land of the free and behold the true true kingdom that does not end .
God bless America.