Why bother to pray?
You don't need me to tell you that the world is in a bad place right now. Just read the papers, or watch TV or listen to the radio and find out for yourself.
Do you know something? The world would be in a much better place if every Christian acted like a Christian. If every Christian acted like Christ did when He walked this earth. He treated people with love, care, and compassion, as well as mercy and forgiveness. Each time He met someone in need He treated them as individuals. He took them aside, listened to them and healed them or answered their prayers.
The problem with the world today is Christians. Never mind pointing the finger at others. It is we, Christians, who are the bad example. There are many angry Christians out there. Many unforgiving Christians too. I bet you know someone who still bears a grudge. Maybe you are still hurting and finding it difficult forgiving someone.
Forgiveness is a trade mark of a Christian. It's in the Lord's Prayer after all. Yet, many amongst us still find it difficult to forgive.
Well, if we Christians behave this way, then what an example are we setting for the world?
How many Christians are there out there who cheat on their employers by getting to work late, or leaving early, or taking long lunch hours, or taking stationery or bits and bobs home with them? All these examples are stealing, and not a Christian thing to do.
How many Christians cheat on their taxes, or on their spouses, or in their business affairs and employees or customers and think nothing of it?
You know, I'm convinced that if we Christians behaved like Christians then the world would be much better. It only starts with one. You, and then me, and then another and another and so on.
Have you ever met someone who is always kind, and friendly, and helpful, and cheerful and fun to be with? And people always describe that individual as a nice person and good to know.
Well, would you not rather be that person? The one whom people describe in such positive terms? The chances are that people talk about you anyway; would you not rather give them something good and positive to talk about?
Then why not start behaving a little differently, a step at a time, starting from now. Be kind to someone every day; without telling them even.
In a dark and obscure world be the light that shines out for all to see. Be the kindness that is missing.