In Silence, the Language of Joseph, We Can Learn God's Will for Us.
When we think of superheroes, we think of them fighting the bad guys and saving the day. How about saving mankind from their sins? That is exactly what Jesus did. His fight was with sin and with death, neither stood a chance.
Jesus never shied away from battle, though His battles were spiritual. Jesus won every battle giving us more than any other superhero could, eternal life!
He did not do this as one might have imagined though. No, “[f]or our sake he made him to be sin who did not know sin.” – [2 Corinthians 5:21] The One who claimed to be “The Life” entered into death. He did not destroy them by staying outside of them. No, He entered into them in order to destroy them.
Our Superhero was a shining example for us. “Dying He destroyed our death and rising He restored our life.” Sin and death was not slain until Jesus rose victorious on Easter morning. Our Superhero can save us, if we allow Him to. He wants to be victorious in your life, and destroy sin and death for you!