The Bountiful Gifts of The Holy Spirit
So lavish are the bountiful gifts of The Holy Spirit that it’s impossible to give a meaningful account of each. Only by calling upon the Holy Spirit for guidance will I dare attempt to describe these nonpareil heavenly gifts.
- Wisdom: This intoxicating gift is so great it borders on insanity! Making sense only because of the greatness of God which has been revealed to us through the gifts of knowledge and understanding. With Wisdom comes Faith! With Faith comes Wisdom! Think like God!
- Understanding: The power of understanding the now and forever. This is given to us slowly as we’re ready to receive it. (Jesus said to his disciples: “I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth.” Jn 16:12-13) Only God makes sense. Without God there can be no understanding.
- Counsel: The gift of Counsel is touched by angels; reading with the heart, feeling with the heart, seeing with the heart. The gift of Counsel is given to us by the Paraclete, our teacher and helper, our consoler and comforter. The Holy Spirit fulfills Jesus’s promise never to leave us orphans (Jn 14:28.) This gift is associated with peace and justice.
- Fortitude: Stronger than iron. Fortitude; unbending courage owing to our firm convictions in the glory Christ revealed to us. A gift given to martyrs. We need the mystifying gift of Fortitude to boldly and confidently defend our faith.
- Knowledge: Hidden knowledge given to us little by little as we can handle it as with the gift of Understanding. That which we didn’t know we didn’t know until we’re given this gift from the Holy Spirit and we start to receive information of a sacrosanct nature.
- Piety: Expressive!! Poignant yet how blissful is this gift of Piety! True piety demands total submission, total dependence on God. When thinking of piety, remember the beatitude, “Blessed are the pure of heart!” Let nothing we say or do ever put a crevice (even ever so small) between us and God.
- Fear of the Lord: This often misunderstood gift of the Holy Spirit is a gasping, grasping, awesome Fear of God. Only if we truly love God are we able to fear Him as we should! A kind of fear and respect for God that can only increase our zeal and ardor for The Master. What foolishness it would be for us to back away from holy, healthy Fear of the Lord. Only a heedless lack of invoking the other six gifts of the Holy Spirit would cause one to fail in this exceptional gift (The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise. Psalm 111:10)
A benefit of the gift of Fear of the Lord as proclaimed by the Blessed Mother in her great Magnificat, “He has mercy on those who fear him in every generation!” Luke 1:50
Who is God? The closer we get to answering this question the more the Gifts of the Holy Spirit will become effectual in our lives. Remember, all persons baptized in the Holy Spirit receive these gifts so generously given to us. (CCC) We mustn’t become apathetic towards them. The Holy Spirit gives these gifts to us and only the Holy Spirit can guide us and teach us how to use these seven gifts if we desire. The Holy Spirit will come to our assistance if we’re open to His captivating presence and call upon Him often. Come Holy Spirit come!