We are a living sacrifice when we unite our suffering with the suffering of Christ Crucified.
To my Divine Mercy Chaplet Prayer Group: C. S Lewis tells us, "We were promised suffering." I have four quotes for you, one from Father Eric, one from St. Louis De Montfort, and one from Thomas à Kempis and one from Father Adam.
Father Eric: “If we want to know what the future will be like look to Jesus. What has been given to Jesus will be given to us as well. His suffering and joy. If we accept the suffering, we will receive the joy.
”St. Louis De Montfort – The Love of Eternal Wisdom Chapter 14: “Friends of Jesus Christ, drink of his bitter cup and your friendship with him will increase. Suffer with him and you will be glorified with him. Suffer patiently and your momentary suffering will be changed into an eternity of happiness. Make no mistake about it, since Incarnate Wisdom had to enter heaven by the Cross, you also must enter by the same way.” Remember St. Louis De Montfort called our suffering on earth, momentary suffering; *momentary - very brief: lasting for a very short time.
Thomas à Kempis - Imitation of Christ Chapter 37: “No matter which way you turn you will always find the Cross! …you can carry it cheerfully or you may carry it impatiently and unwillingly.” And then Thomas à Kempis warns those that carry their Cross unwillingly may find themselves in this situation from the book Wisdom 5:7 “we have labored and suffered in the world and after it all, here we are with the damned.”
Father Adam: “I’m grateful, extremely grateful, for the “sacrifice” Christ made for you, and for me. But it is intimidating to think that I too am being called to offer myself as a sacrifice that is holy and pleasing. Sacrifice entails suffering… there is ample evidence (in Sacred Scripture) to believe we are called to unite our sufferings and praises to the perfect sacrifice of Christ’s Cross.”
I appeal to you, therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God; which is your spiritual worship. Romans 12:1
Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. Hebrews 13:16
…like living stones, let yourself be built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 2:5
Father Adam wrote a wonderful article in the bulletin on what Jesus told St. Faustina about suffering. “You will save more souls through sacrifice and prayer than will a missionary through his teaching and sermons alone.”~ Our Lord to Saint Maria Faustina
Why am I telling you all this? Everyone will experience much suffering in this life. We don’t have to seek suffering. Sadness, suffering and misery will come to us. It’s how we receive our suffering that’s important. Do we complain and curse God for allowing us much suffering and grief or do we accept it and offer it up to God in sacrifice to save the souls of the living or to relieve the poor souls in purgatory from their suffering at being separated from God.
We are a living sacrifice when we unite our suffering with the suffering of Christ Crucified.
Jesus answers me
“How can I love you my Jesus, Lord Jesus?
By standing in the shadow of your Cross? Yes
By uniting my suffering with yours for the sins of mankind? Yes
May I pray with a broken heart and cry tears of joy for love of you? Indeed”
By Katherine of Christ Crucified