Blasphemy at the Olympics and the Need to Fight for God
There is only one right religion established by God.
Muhammad, Buddha, Calvin, Luther, the Orthodox bishops at the split and Florence, are all men who started their own sects and religions. They are men who sold their souls to the devil.
They have no right to practice their religions. Rights come from God and God alone. God wants all to practice the religion which He Himself established. That religion is the Catholic religion, God is Catholic.
How dare you say such thing? Upon what authority do you write this? Upon the authority of God. This is God’s religion. He established it and only the Catholic religion has every and all rights to be practiced in this world and throughout the universe.
“There is no such thing as a right to practice a false religion. There is always a right to practice the Catholic religion and it is not the government who gives us that right, it is God who gives us that right to practice the true religion. God gives nobody any right to practice the false religion.” - Bishop Richard Williamson