What Am I Thankful For This Thanksgiving?
Remember when a business in one’s community would put a sign that reads Help Wanted on the window or door? Today, we see on social media about nonprofits, schools, and even other businesses are hiring.
Indeed, when one looks at the requirements and qualifications, the candidate would decipher what the employer wants in the potential employee. After looking at the list, the candidate takes his shot in hopes of landing an interview and in time filling the vacancy.
The Catholic Church will have a similar sign that is invisible to everyone. Yet, it does not require much. Rather, it requires Catholics to be on fire with the faith and willing to tell their faith story.
In the readings selected for this Sunday, we hear about this theme of going on a mission. Amos tells Amaziah, “Go, prophesy to my people Israel.” How does it relate to us?
Catholics are called to take part in missionary discipleship. He calls us to participate in his divine life. It all began with his apostles and disciples. The first step is to put our faith in Christ. They all weren’t perfect. Yet, the more they relied on Christ their lives were perfected on what was to come.
St. Paul wrote in his letter to the Ephesians, “In him, we were also chosen, destined in accord with the purpose of the One who accomplishes all things according to the intention of his will,
so that we might exist for the praise of his glory, we who first hoped in Christ.”
Our society needs faithful witnesses who will bring about the kingdom of God. The good news is everyone is qualified. God will equip you. All it takes is faithfulness.
Let us take the first step today to give our “yes” to being a missionary. Let’s begin by inviting others to know Christ.