He Had To
Just Look
Just look at our world today
It is what happens when man does not pray
When he does whatever pleases only him
At judgement day for him it will be mighty grim
Just look at our society
Man it seems has no shame or piety
Hurting children an act so hateful and not pretty
The lives of those participating we should pray for and have no pity
Look how far we haven’t journeyed
In our Lord’s time Jesus pointed out those who had not repented
Sidon Tyre Chorazin Bethesda Sodom just some of many
Look now today at Europe Australia Canada the USA
Look and try to see through the filth and the muck
Realize we can change but not by luck
We need and must follow Jesus our Lord
Who has given us the recipe through His actions and His Word
Just look at what we can become
For He made us all everyone not just some
To love and worship The Blessed Trinity
To then love each other for eternity
JFFIII 7/16/24