Mother Angelica
Picture yourself walking alongside our Beloved Mother Mary. Watching this young girl blossom into a mother, at such a tender age.. Picture Her talking and laughing and praying with you. All the while, knowing in Her Heart, that 1 day, the baby She is carrying would have to die a cruel death for the salvation of the world. Not moping around or worrying visibly. Keeping every emotion inside that sweet and Holy Heart of Hers. Watch Her as She cares for Joseph and the new baby. Tenderly, She helps teach Jesus to know what true love of a mother is and feels like. Looking at HIM while He plays, and all the while knowing that these are treasured moments until She Herself, will have to witness His cruel sufferings. I love her.. I wish I was more like Her. In Her trust. In Her surrendering. In Her innocence.
Her Heart is as big as the universe. She is our Mother too. She loves us as much as She loves Jesus, Her Son. Her Heart is so full of grace, that asking her to be a mother to us, She comes to our rescue, willingly and lovingly.
Pure and Holy is the Heart of Mary. Trusting and surrendering, gentle and fierce. Deemed from the very beginning of time to be the new Eve. The new Mother....
Let us trust in the Mothership of Mary, Holy Mother of God. Let us become like little children being held in Her Holy arms and pressed to Her cheek. Let the sweet Heart of Mary grant us the grace to be led straight to Her Holy Son, Jesus.
Sweet Heart of Mary, Be our salvation!