Which sin will put us in Hell?
From Insignificance to Greatness, but only through God!
Imagine how one person can bring out of emptiness an array of unbelievable successes to so many who struggle for hope. Taking the unbelief of some who have appeared to misplace their faith in God and setting them into an environment of understanding in the realm of those who already found the grace of God. There we shall find how this one small individual, only through a grace that we cannot explain, creates the possibility to share this hidden gesture from God.
Enter this one person, who in the eyes of others, appears to be this insignificant soul who should go nowhere according to his demeanor. Yet, the small stature of his appearance in intellect seems to have disappeared and his presence among the many giants of industry overcomes any absence of importance. How, we may ask, can one person that everyone would discount as being last among men make a difference when by today’s standards we look for one with myriads of degrees?
This person was able to gather the heads of industry into a cooperative assembly that overcame pride and welcomed their counterparts of business to share their wealth with the poor and destitute. This attitude, coming from the giants of commerce, will please God quicker than any amount of Church attendance or sacramental receptions. Remember the words from God to Hosea; “For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.” (Hos 6:6).
That comment is how the Lord looks upon his people when they feel that as long as they give from their coffers all other sins are overlooked. Herein the admittance of this one unknown man of God has created a mingling of peacefulness that will live forever in the hearts of the wealthy. He has risen from obscurity to an ominous presence and because of his presence has led the many giants to humility and were willing to raise him to a status of importance. This elevation only placed him as a true emissary to God and of God making him their preacher.
Could this happen in our lifetime? Did it bring the wealthy who suppress the poor to their knees? We may never know for sure. But as we view the condition of the world’s attitude towards the small people who cannot support themselves anymore, the answer won’t take too long to discern the outcome of the moral character that we all face.
What is needed is a few more men like this one who came out of the blue and with the grace of God entered into a relationship with the giants of the world and showed them how to bring understanding to the rest of the corrupting factions destroying this planet
Where do we find these giants? Washington D.C., Russia and Iran, and not to be left out, the Church of Rome, the Vatican and all who stand for righteousness but fail in its accomplishment. No one was exempt from this unknown man’s presence and no one will escape the ultimate exclusion of God’s grace unless they all adhere to this example of cooperation with the poor.
Ralph B. Hathaway