( as written to my spiritual director Rev. Edward McLean )
The whispers of the mind, are voices of the Creator, probing reshaping, instilling His spirit in you. For the spirit comes to you, in pieces of thoughts, in reverence of silence. For love comes in passionate moments, and compassion opens the doorway of His presence. For the voice has many words, many thoughts, to question your inventory of self. For opening the door is easy, but unlocking it is the hardest. If our doorbell doesn’t work, or the door knocker is broken, we assume no one is there. For in silence of quiet, you will hear scratching on the door. The probing of the spirit, His voice, calling you, to Him. For He comes to you like rain drops, one drop at a time. He protects you from the rain storm – but anoints you in the Holy Spirit slowly, softly, speaking in gentleness of a falling mist, of love. For the voice builds in you, a character of integrity, unlocking the doors of your soul. For it is the heart that receives the message – but the soul lives the message. Penetrating to your inter-spirit of soul, is where the message of the Lord ferments like wine to ripen, to harvest. For it is in this place, the whispers multiply one word at a time, to form your spiritual growth. In spiritual companionship with the Lord, you are in stewardship, to form your spiritual destiny. For the mind is only the thinker; the soul is consumed of thoughts, brought down for process, for evaluation and distribution. For the soul is the believer of conscience, and delivers right from wrong. For the hearts message sways, balancing on a fence, feeling along, as it goes, not knowing which way to follow.
My friends, if someone comes to you for advice, how do you advise him? For your heart feels for his situation and you listen – but you say little to solve his dilemma. For the heart dares not, to hurt his feelings, or loose a friend. But the soul has the message of truth. For you shall speak from it, regardless of your personal ties. You will advise him from the word of the Lord. For the Lord is your adviser and you should pass on what you have learned. For it is not for you to solve his problem – for that is his business. It is best that you give direction for him to follow, to find a way to resolve his crisis. For conflicts are the internal voices, the unheard cries of balancing decisions. For no one knows another situation better than he. For what may be good for you, may not be so, for him. Always speak from the soul, the voice of the spirit, will help give directions.
So it is also, in prayer. When you pray and seek the Lord’s attention, ask from your soul, in reverence of your deepest thoughts. For the Lord will show favor on you, and listen to your petition, and spend time with you in preparation for a response. And while you wait, He waits with you, directing you, guiding you, bringing you to a level, in order for you to accept the consequences of your petition. For if you were granted all that you asked for, and were not ready to receive their acceptance, you would find a way to destroy yourself, in reckless proceedings, disregarding all you have learned. When prayer is answered in your favor, it is looked upon as future goodness, and should be fulfilled in a manner of thanksgiving. For your inner voices of prayer seek out, not only the Lord, but angels, and saints, and prophets, and our Blessed Mother. For their hearts listen also, and have counsel with the Lord. For voices in prayer are most Holy and reverent, and your spirit must be captivated in compassion. For your words touch the ears of the Lord, and enter His heart, He answers you from His lips, in the greatest of love. So how you ask in prayer – in how He shall answer.
In my prayer of petition, I pray for your voice; your voice of compassion must be heard. For there are others who are qualified to perform your duties. There are very few, who journey. For it is your heart and love that move, carrying the Lord’s flock closer to Him. For He has given you a great spiritual gift, to gather His disciples for His coming. For it is His voice, that
speaks from your lips, and the Lord’s lantern, that burns in your heart. For the light of the Lord cannot be dimmed, but the light of the lantern burns more fuel than necessary. For it loses its radiance being used in too many places. For where the lantern is best suited, is where it should be carried. For a lantern has limitations, but performs its best, in the cold giving its warmth, and in dark giving its light. For if the lantern is stationary – for what purpose does it serve? For a lantern is not a lighthouse – but a lantern. For a lighthouse guides the passing traveler, but the lanterns flame, sets out into the night, to gather in the lost and cold. For no one can carry a lighthouse – but the one who journeys, easily carries a lantern. For each light, is best suited for its own surroundings. Each one has a similar function, but the greatest of these, is the one that moves, and its flame whispers to your heart. For when your eyes meet in journey, is where you see lanterns, seeking fuel of substance.
A lantern’s flame whispers, softly, gently, with the fragrance of the Lord, beckoning to His followers.
For in duty, you find obligation – it is in journey, that you illuminate the hearts of flames, of lanterns.
Robert J. Varrick