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I spent about a week in considerable pain. I won't bother you with the details, but I was pretty miserable. It is now mostly resolved.
My first instinct was to offer up my pain for someone else. The potential that someone might find some relief from their pain, if I can take it on through acceptance of my own, gives me a sense of purpose.
Admittedly, I do not do this as well as I would like.
Doing so, however, connects me to Jesus on the cross, since he took on suffering for us. Whenever we can, in some small way, find a way to relate to what he did, we find a way to unite more closely to him.
This practice gives a deeper, spiritual meaning to what we are going through.
That week led me to think about those who are living with chronic pain. Anticipating a lifelong existence that involves pain must be quite overwhelming, especially when medicine or treatments do not provide any relief.
I am sorry if you are experiencing pain in your life, but I do hope that you will pray for others--if you can--while you are going through it. Also, know that others are praying for you as well. We may not ever know your name, but God does, and he will use the prayers so many offer, for you.
In monasteries and convents throughout the world, we have an added powerhouse of prayer through religious brothers and sisters who have dedicated their life to praying on behalf of others.
It is good to know that whenever we are in pain, other good, holy men and women are pleading on our behalf before God. They help give us the strength we need to face each new day.
I hope you will try to live in gratitude today, no matter what you are facing. Never forget that Jesus lived through, and understands, what it means to experience human suffering.
And still today, he is with us.
Janet Cassidy
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