Grappling With Why Many Young Children and Young Adults Die Young While Many Live Into Their Nineties
How Do We View Ourselves?
Eileen Renders
Contemplating the three persons in One God, led me to go deeper into my soul and think about who I am and the different aspects of my personality, life, and aspirations. And while doing this I found that I too, hold separate thoughts, aspirations, and goals regarding myself.
Taking that thought and holding onto it a little longer, I realized how true this must be, or can be for all of us. To explain this further, I can begin by saying I recalled the person I used to be. Young, self-centered, immature, and without many goals. Toda however, there is this new representation of me that others can readily see. I have made a commitment to marriage, raised a family, worked taken care of home, and accepted my responsibilities. And I have not shirked or regretted my choices in life.
With two aspects of my life accounted for, I soon realized that there is a third part of me. This third part, however, is in the making and is yet to be realized. The clearest way to describe this is to say; We all have those three persons within us, and they are as follows; Who we once were, who we are now, and who we are becoming.”
It is exciting to awaken to the fact that we are like the caterpillar working toward becoming the butterfly. We have free will, and choices are ours to decide. Like myself, you are most likely Catholic and reading Catholic articles. You may also be a mature individual who is working, married, and maybe also, with children.
God invites us to follow Him, to live by His example so that we may serve Him and enjoy the fruits of His many blessings. Wisdom comes as one of God’s blessings, a long life is often another blessing as well as becoming a being that has gained much empathy and humility. What God has in store for those who love Him is more than we deserve. And it is He, our Creator who leads us to live life through forgiveness, mercy, and love in our hearts.
Whenever we are hurting because of our past because we have done something wrong, or hurt someone, be concerned with today. Have we confessed our sins with sorrow? Are we continuing to commit the same sins over and over again? Or are we committed to becoming the best person we can be and become pleasing to God? I believe we will all choose the third option.