Blessed Journey
If you missed it, today is the third day of the St. Anne Novena. Being the mother of Our Lady and grandmother of Jesus, she is a pretty special and powerful intercessor. We are trying to complete the novena as a family but, as always, life happens. We made it through the first two days of Mass/Novena and today and tomorrow will just have to be novena prayers at home.
If you did miss it, jump in anytime. You can find the complete prayers by searching online.
My go-to prayer during the novena and all year…
Saint Anne, Bless My Family
I entrust my family to you, Good Saint Anne.
Keep a careful eye on them and guard them against all physical and spiritual danger.
My family is where my life develops; it is my vital setting; made up of the persons I love most in the world.
My family is the small community where I live through a succession of joys and pains. It is, as it were, my home church.
I know that the model of all families must be found in the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
You yourself, Saint Anne, with your husband Joachim and your daughter, the Virgin Mary, gave the example of an ideal family.
Help my family be as closely united as yours and that of Jesus. Make us love and help one another as you did.
Saint Anne, you were a spouse, a mother and a grandmother.
Bless all the members of my family. Keep them united and always faithful to the Lord.
Help all Christian families become a living example of love and peace to people they meet. May they proclaim Christ and His Gospel by word and charity.
Thanks to your intercession, may the whole family of the children of God, the Church, remain faithful to Jesus. Amen.