Our hearts are breaking from the hole of unrest that seeks to be healed by God's Grace
Reason why so many Catholics have a dim view of their Church!
At a recent gathering of our family, one person complained about a recent funeral they attended and the words of the priest regarding Holy Communion. He mentioned the fact that non-Catholics should come to the communion rail with arms folded across their chest, signifying their position and just looking for a blessing. The family member said, “Why does the Church still continue to inject all these rules? Like the theme of so many, her position is to allow everyone to receive the host.
Why is the command to not allow non-Catholics to receive the communion at a Catholic Mass? The Real Presence of Christ is not a thought that all denominations share in common.
“By the consecration the transubstantiation of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood is brought about. Under the consecrated species of bread and wine Christ himself, living and glorious, is present in a true, and substantial manner; his Body and his Blood, with his soul and his divinity. (cf Council of Trent : DS 1640; 1651). (CCC 1413).
Do we dare, as Roman Catholics, disbelieve this reality of the Truth? How do we understand when a priest who doubted the real presence saw the host begin to bleed during the consecration. Or a host that was found in the pages of a book and examined by scientists had the DNA of a human heart, The blood on the host was found to be type AB.
Of course, many Catholics look at these events as an old way of giving credence to the Last Supper's preparation for the Passion, but there it stops with the very presence of Christ until he rises from the dead. Then, our faith is based on remembrance, only. There lies no difference between denominations leading many to believe holy communion is just a common adherence
That can be utilized in any Christian church.
“The Eucharistic presence of Christ begins at the moment of the consecration and endures as long as the Eucharistic species subsist. Christ is present whole and entire in each of the species and whole and entire in each of their parts, in such a way that the breaking of the bread does not divide Christ.” (CCC 1377).
Since the Real presence of Christ is in both species (under bread and wine) receiving either one alone is still valid. During hospital ministry we learned that holy communion for someone on an IV and not allowed anything by mouth, could, with the hospital approval, receive the Blood through an eye-dropper or similar unit into the IV fluid When a person has an allergy to wheat or gluten taking the Precious Blood from the Cup is as valid as taking just the Consecrated host without the Blood. I have seen eucharistic ministers who stopped someone from receiving from the cup without the host first. They didn’t understand the theology of the Eucharist and were not instructed in the mechanics of distributing holy communion. It almost parallels which hand to place the host in. One time a eucharistic minister almost got upset because I extended my right hand in lieu of my left to accept the host. I am left-handed and usually will use my left hand to place the host in my mouth. Sometimes people who are led by strict rules as to which hand should be extended become too scrupulous as if the one receiving is committing a sin when changing hands to receive communion.
But, the need to explain to Catholics that the Real Presence is Theological and truth mentioned in the CCC as written . The sad thing about disbelief by Catholics is exactly like their disbelief regarding purgatory, Mary’s Immaculate Conception, and several other thoughts that require faith that many struggle with. Many mystical themes of the Catholic Church create doubts in too many Catholic minds. These combined with unwarranted scandals can have a devastating effect on a faith that can be misleading for many.
Attempting to re-educate Catholic members who grew up with a misconception of what the rules imply, not to simply create laws that we must adhere with for the sake of laws, but the very reasons why we do certain things that relate to a smooth and understandable catechesis of the Catholic Church.
Ralph B. Hathaway