"I Thirst" Jesus Cried Out From The Cross
How Does God Test Us? Eileen Renders
We as Catholics, go to church and frequent the Sacraments. And we do our best to follow the Ten Commandments. What more does God ask of us to become a favorite? In examining our conscience, we are obliged by God to examine our motives, our sincerity, and what is missing in our lives that God wants from us. There are changes we can institute regarding how we participate in receiving the sacraments. For example; Do we recognize that in the sacrament of Reconciliation, we are asked to truly, be sorry for our sins because they offend God. We are asked to promise to amend our lives (to sin no more), are we living up to that? When we go to Mass are we attending regularly when we are in good health? We are taught not to take the sacrament of receiving the Host lightly as it is not a reminder of God’s presence, it is God! Do we dress appropriately in church to show respect to God in His house? And do we spend time with God after receiving the Host, and resist looking up at all the parishioners coming down the aisles from the altar, and smiling at those we recognize?
When in First Grade and in preparation for receiving the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion, we are taught that we must know the following; “God made us to know Him, to Love Him and to Serve Him in this world so that we could be happy with Him in the next.” This begs the question; “Are we serving God each day by meeting, and treating others with love, respect, and help when our help is needed? God is Love, Mercy, and Forgiveness. He said, “Love thy neighbor as thy self for the love of God.” And He also said; “What you do unto the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.” God desires that we take each opportunity to seize the moment and give to others our love, empathy, and forgiveness. We are not asked to judge or criticize another for their looks, ragged clothing, or being poor. We must serve God, and allow Him to be the judge of His creation. God asks us to clothe the poor, visit the sick, feed the hungry, and more. In Serving God, we begin to feel His presence within us through a sense of renewed compassion, understanding, and gratitude. God said; “I go before you to prepare a place for you. There are many rooms in My Father’s house.” Many of us will be spending time in Purgatory for not living as God asks us to live; “To love one another as I have loved you.” Jesus was nailed to the Crucifix to save us from sin. However, those of us who continue to sin without remorse or sorrow, who are filled with selfishness and pride, we may never see those Pearly Gates or be invited in.