40 Years of The Karate Kid and Its Lessons of Faith
Recently, a great OBGYN doctor in my area sent out an email to pro-life volunteers that I was compelled to share for anyone who are struggling to put their beliefs into action. I hope this motivates the many who want to take that leap of faith to stand for what they believe.
I read something this morning that I felt moved to share...
Every one of us hold beliefs....and we hold convictions...
a belief is a thought that we agree with, a conviction is something we believe with such intent that we can't help but act upon that belief and DO SOMETHING about it.
We can believe that Jesus is Lord... and walk through life nodding our head to other Christian's, but when we are truly convicted we step out of our comfort zone, share our testimony of how He has changed our lives and step into the open spaces to witness for Him.
We can believe that abortion is wrong, agree with it scientifically, mentally, agree to be on a mailing list, give some money, but the proof of being CONVICTED is that you have to step out and take action. In the time we live in where babies are being murdered and moms and families are being wounded 10,000 plus a year at our 2 downtown centers in Philly - how can we settle for just having a belief. Now is the time to take action. Now is the time to stand up for what you believe. Now is the time to be CONVICTED about this belief.
Can you say YES?!?!
If you want to put your pro-life conviction into action, then it's time to step onto the playing field. Volunteer for your local pro-life coalition, pray for anb hour or two outside of abortion facilities, help a pregnancy center organize baby showers.
The presence of pro-lifers helps put their convictions into actions. Will it be you?