Solemn Divine Mercy Novena - Second Day Intention: For the Souls of Priests and Religious
This tip flows from the fact that we are a part of the Communion of Saints and it is God's plan that we help each other.
Before beginning the rosary, invite a saint or saints to pray the rosary with you. It would be even better it the saint you invited was the patron saint for your particular prayer intention. For example, if you are offering a rosary for a cancer patient, then you could invite Saint Peregrine to pray the rosary with you.
You could also invite the saint who is somehow related to the person you are praying for. For example, the saint that has the same name or the birthday of this person falls on the saint's feast day.
This method of praying the rosary is based on Our Lady's promise that those who are devoted to the rosary will have the entire heavenly court as intercessors.
This is a way to tap into the graces flowing from this promise for yourself and the person or people you are praying for.