The Grace of Inspiration
When Trust becomes an Anomaly
Belief in something or someone is a necessary element when their expertise becomes a life or death decision. We can find that the essential requirement to trust a doctor, lawyer, or a priest when we do not have the ability or expertise to cure our dilemma is paramount to failure.
When our dilemma in any area of need requires an expert it should not become a choice of avoiding these people who are well-versed in their vocation, thinking they are just there for the money they deserve. The laborer is worthy of his wages. (Lk 10: 7). God didn’t just place doctors, lawyers, and priests to fulfill nominal experts to level out the environment we live in. Each one is there for our protection.
Man has always known in many ways the need to have someone we can rely upon. Leaders in all areas of life will require our electing or ordaining those who will fit that mode of life.
Arriving at a mature level of intellect we had the safety in the Constitution of the United States and while completing the directives of Confirmation in our Church we all felt prepared to step into life’s challenges.
The disrespect towards those who are at the pinnacle of leadership in various areas of medicine, law, and spiritual direction have somehow painted a picture of mistrust for skeptics and that is filtering down to the weakest in our society.
Too often we will find among our own families or trusted friends a change of heart towards the very people that usually have our lives at their finger-tips and listen to negative approaches to our well-being.
Trust is the perfect essence of reliable purveyors that guide and assist our weakness in matters that must be our stepping stones to healing, be it medical, law-giving, or the mens to understand God in a world gone mad without faith.
As soon as a person promotes obtuse directives towards God’s choices of those who are endowed with the blessings of gifts we need to exist peacefully in a world of pain (physical and emotional) they are doing the work of Satan to disrupt God’s plan of love. They must cease and desist in their total mistrust that filters down to the most needy without hope.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, on your own intelligence rely not; In all your ways be mindful of Him, and he will make straight your paths.” (Prv 3: 5 - 6). These words also apply to the chosen whom God has sent for our assistance in life's maladies.
Ralph B. Hathaway